Sunday, March 02, 2008
Sugar pie pumpkin
. The first portale of Goes them of Viu'. fruit of chosen of our writing, is not that of the examples of the richest tradition of our mountains, in particular, they are not "piu' good" of others, does not want to make twisted no plate. Indeed, if you have of the traditional prescriptions that are not comprised in the directory and that you want introduces us. 1 scalogno. 5 olive oil spoons extravergine. 1 mazzetto of of the peel, seeds and filaments, to wash it and to cut it to rods to make scottare them for a minute in water salata in boiling and to drain them. To clean up the radicchio, to wash it, to drain it and to cut it listerelle. _ sbucciare the scalogno, wash it and tritarlo fine wash the basil. To put the oil in a tegame and makes to wither the scalogno. to add the rods you of zucca and to make them to rosolare shortly, to pour a mestolino to you of water, to insaporire with a pizzico of knows them and of pepper and to make to cook them for 10-15 minuteren, to moderate fire and tegame place setting, stirring every so often with a wood spoon before the term of the baking, to join the listerelle of radicchio. abundant water, salarla and makes you to cook the paste to drain it to the tooth, to flavor it with the rag?i zucca and radicchio, cospargerlo with the tritato basil remained and to serve it warm one garlic segment, the mollica of average sandwich, means cream glass, oil extravergine of it knows them segment of private garlic of the peel, a pizzico of knows them large and the mollica of bread, imbevuta in the latte ones and then strizzata, so as to. To pass then all in a sieve and to collect the proceeds in one ciotola. to dilute finally with the cream. To cook the paste, to flavor it with some fiocchetto of butter and therefore to pour the sauce of walnuts, spolverizzare finally with grattugiato $parmesan. of from Valle d'Aosta fontina without crust, 4 eggs and 1 egg yolk, 30 g of butter, know them and pepper, crostini of bread toast to you in order to serve and to put them to bath in the latte ones, leaving to macerate them in order at least four. In the meantime to blink eggs and to separate to the egg yolks from the egg whites collecting every egg yolk in four various saucers. As soon as the?acerata fontina, to drain it and to put to in a bain-marie scaldare the container in which preparer?a vellutata with the butter that to lascer?ciogliere itself. ?ciolto to add to the fontina and three spoons of its latte ones of maceration, to stir continuously until when the cheese. Therefore to add an egg yolk and to stir until when not sar?el all built-in, then to join the successive one until joining them all, naturally always waiting for that the previous one very is amalgamated. To fix of knows them and to add also a little pepper. You take four plates deep and to distribute the vellutata one on every plate. To serve it warm with the crostini of toasted bread. g of potatoes, 150 g of prosciutto cooked, 3 eggs, oil, 30 g of I leaven of beer, butter and flour to use for the preparation of the stamp, To prepare potatoes being put them to cook and calculating 40 minuteren of baking from the beginning of the bollore. To put in a container 6 flour spoons, I leaven of beer melted in 4 lukewarm water spoons and to paste all, adding also to the paste lukewarm water. To make a small cake of the paste and leaves to leaven it for approximately half hour. When the potatoes are lessate, to drain them, sbucciar them and to pass them in. To make the remaining Fontana on the spianatoia with flour, to put to the inside potatoes crushed, to join eggs, taking of knows them. To begin to paste, then to add also the leavend small cake and to paste it with to the rest energetically for approximately 15 minuteren. When the paste?ronto, to divide it met?con one to met?oderare the walls of one stamp of 24 cm of diameter. To decide to the inside of gateau the prosciutto to striscioline and. You cover with the other met?ell' paste, naturally spread in such way that can cover the gateau entire, and to put in furnace to 180. C for 40 minuteren. 60 g sugar, 1/4 of glass of vinegar white man, 1/4 of glass cut with the butter and to leave to slowly stew a lot for approximately 1 hour, therefore to put the sugar, to leave to caramellare to add to the vinegar and the wine to still make to cook for 10 minuteren and to put from part one segment of garlic, a mazzetto of prezzemolo and basil, oil extravergine. To wash and to diliscare the anchovies to peel prezzemolo and the basil, sbucciare the garlic segments and to step on all in. When the ingredients will be reduced to poltiglia, porli in one ciotola and to amalgamate oil enough to you, until obtaining one soft sauce. If a po' is wanted to be rendered little fat person the preparation, to be diminished quantit?ell' the oil and to be joined of warm water. 6 eggs, 18 chestnuts roast, 1cucchiaio of brandy. To clean up the chestnuts roast eliminating the peel. and to perfume them with a pizzico of cinnamon in powder to eggs and to insaporire with the brandy. 20 g of butter, therefore to pour eggs and to leave to cook this frittata it comes served warm. kg of pears, 120 mililiter of oil extravergine of olive, 5 eggs, a pizzico. To cut to the stem the cabbage and to cook it in water salata until that the leaves become soft to detach the external leaves not as soon as they are softened. the cabbage cooked in one large pot turns and to tritare the pi?iccole inner leaves for the filling. Tritare fine the onions and to fry them in little oil until that they become. Miscelare the meat, the rice, the tritato cabbage, the onions, knows them, pepper and maggiorane, creating a soft paste. if the dense prepared one?roppo to add a po' of the water of in the leaf and wrapping it with the leaf. To put involtini one of flank to the other in one teglia imburrata, to pour over the being remained fused butter and the bread crumb to us. To cook the involtini to the furnace for 45 minuteren to 200.C. To met?ottura turning the involtini and inumidir them every a lot with the water of baking of the cabbage. To serve the involtini of cabbage with potatoes to lesseSbucciare pears, to cut them pezzetti and cooking them in a frying pan with some water spoon, until to when they become to hold. In a small pot to make to bubble the latte ones with the sugar, the pizzico. stirring continuously, before with the whip and then with a spoon. To remove the fire and to join eggs one. To grease and to infarinare a stamp from budino with the hole center them, to pour to the inside a layer of semolino, one of pears then cooked and cos?Il semolino it must turn out beautiful gilded: before deforming to make it to cool little it so that it is not broken off. 1 zucca of medium largeness, rather mature, 2 onions of medium largeness, 200 g of walnuts sgusciate, 1/2 h of butter, 1 liter of latte partially skimmed, 1/2 liter of mounted cream, of the moscata walnut, sugar, knows them and pepper, a drink of sherry. in dadini of approximately a centimeter, to put them in one teglia furnace and to make to brace them for approximately a quarter of hour to 250. C, spolverizzando them with the sugar, knows them and a pizzico of pepper. In one pot to make to imbiondire the onion with the butter to medium fire, to join met?elle the walnuts and to leave to toast for some second therefore to pour the latte ones foamed and to join the zucca brace. When all it catches up the bollore to join sherry and the moscata walnut, then to leave to cook low to fire for approximately one score of minuteren. Therefore with tritatutto an electrical worker to reduce in purea the compound, to fix of knows them and pepper and in order to end to add the mounted cream. For guarnire the cake to use remaining gherigli of walnuts and the servants. 40 g of flour, 40 g of flour added with I leaven, 2 bitter cacao spoons in powder, 4 eggs (egg yolks and egg whites separate to you), 130 g of semolato sugar, 60 mililiter of Kirsch, 880 mililiter of mounted cream, 700 g of ciliege or under spirit, 250 g of fusing chocolate, ciliege to the maraschino in order to decorate, sugar to veil q. Imburrare 2 round teglie to hinge from 20 cm of diameter. the flour and the cacao pi?olte on oleata paper. To put the egg whites in one small tureen, very dry and cleaned up and with frullino the electrical worker to mount them to very firm snow, adding the sugar gradually, always blinking, until making to incorporate it. Hour to pour egg yolks and to blink for others 20 second ones, therefore, to transfer. and to cook for 15 minuteren or end when the cakes are elastic. To leave them in the teglie for 5 minuteren before rivoltar them on one cake with of the Kirsch, then spalmarvi mounted cream and therefore 1/3 of the cherries, closing with the other cake circle, To repeat the operation with every E layer a flat knife to cover the completely mounted cream cake, leaving of one small quantit?Con pelapatate ritagliare of the riccioli from the edge of the chocolate, dopodich?nserirli delicately all mounting remained giving shape of forelocks and with the cherries to the maraschino. To add, finally, other flakes of chocolate to the center of the cream and spolverizzare with the sugar to veil.
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