Sunday, March 09, 2008
Ordained ministry
The St?ige Diakonat - a request second Vatikani in the Lukasevangelium gives it a text (process card 22.24,30), in the Jesus of itself says: Ich is among you like a deacon (di.akonoV). Christ, the deacon. The church as Diakonin with all other titles (Messiah, son of God, people son etc.. Jesus clear Zur?haltung. whether it it?rhaupt on itself referred. As a servant Jesus called itself surely against it. In the church Jesus the deacon is however hardly well-known. Son of God, Mr. (ku.rioV), recently also brother, but rarely servant. Jesus has us with the foot washing as it were a Sakrament. But Jesus the deacon is to a large extent come into oblivion in the history of the church. And until today the church does heavily thereby, Diakonin from the spirit of the Diakonie. In the new will FR? one still something from the transmission to the service. It is a transmission of the whole Christian municipality like their line services. Thus the new will speaks of the service am word. (Apg 6.4), of the service of the Vers?ung. (2 Kor 5.18), of the service of the Leitung. (1 Thess 5.12) and the service at the N?sten (Apg. it also the function name di.akonoV. f?den municipality-leading service knows, more f?M?er how. (Apg 6.1,7), and to those Stephanus, the geisterf?te witness of the gospel, geh?e presented the Apostel the H?e to those. 7,1.53), one has sp?r the model of the Diakonats.. It has history of the Diakonats and its renewal in the old church beside the office of the bishop and the Presbyters also the eigenst?ige, by hand presenting and prayer?rtragene. By the expansion of the bisch?ichen municipality like the advancement of the Presbyteramtes to the?lichen, priesterlichen municipality line service a development was introduced, at their end of the Diakonat only as passage stage to the office for priest existed lost the Diakonie as indispensable dimension of church line responsibility their visible anchorage in the ordinierten office. The renewal of the Diakonats was one of the important reform requests of the. The council called the Diakonat a f?die church in the h?sten measure vitally necessary office (LG 29). In six documents it has itself to the Diakonat. , here prepared by the vorkonziliaren initiatives to the renewal of the Diakonats, important Kl?ngen brought these texts contained still no reflected theology of the Diakonats. the nachkonziliare development. As ordinierter service go? the Diakonat to the sakramentalen Ordo that deacons have therefore portion of the church line authority (potestas. regulation is to Sacrum on the line of the view 2. of the Motu proprio diaconatus ordinem. (1967) Pauls VI. the two ausdr?lich of a line authority of the deacon speak, even if this eingeschr?t and on the more comprehensive episkopale and. The deacon does not empf?t the hand presenting to the Priesteramt. with the office for priest is here. differently than LG 10, where from the church office for service the speech is general. the priesterliche service meant, that the presidency. With respect to this sense one differentiates two stages of the office for priest (Presbyterat, episcopacy) and a stage of the office for service regarding the Ordo. Their office for service?n the deacons in the Diakonie of the Liturgie, the word and the Liebest?gkeit out. To the tasks of the deacon the council z?t: the funeral rite, the patient coming union, the celebration of the Sakramentalien, the line of word services, the Verk?igung of the word of God, above all the Verk?igung of the gospel, the Katechese, the lecture, the solemn baptism, the Eheassistenz, the Altarassistenz, the line of the Diakonie, the line of municipalities. The deacons become from the council as well as the priests as coworkers. The priority task of the Bisch? are the Verk?igung (CD 12) and line (LG 24). the Bisch? also mit of special concern arms and weak ones. The Diakonie was regarded from the outset as a genuine task of the bisch?ichen office for line. thus the old-church tradition called pater the bishop pauperum. (father arms). Diakonat was assigned therefore directly to the episkopalen office. Deacons bem?en themselves particularly around the Erf?ung bisch?ichen. however already soon also of the tasks in the Liturgie. Diakonat and Presbyterat, then outgoing Vatikani council l?t itself renewed Amtsverst?nis says, is forming out in full sense and in whole F?e the bishop from the old-church.. As the Presbyterat is therefore also the Diakonat of bisch?ichen office for line to ago understand (see the Diakonat l?t itself as ordiniertes office begr?en even if it is task the deacon, to repr?ntieren Christ in and gegen?r the municipality, like this with the?entlichen and official Wortverk?igung, with the Eucharistiefeier (ministrare ad old acres), the celebration of the Sakramente (baptism, marriage) and the line also tats?lich. Repr?ntation, which requires that official Bevollm?tigung, which takes place after catholic Verst?nis via the sakramentale surgery. Ber?sichtigt one the service character also the bishop and/or (together with the Diakonat they form the Ministry ecclesiasticum), is a dissociation between bishop and priests, who repr?ntieren Christ as head and a gentleman of the church, and which deacon has, against it that however a special purchase to the Christos Diakonos, for the spirit of the Diakonie Christi and to the church as Diakonin. In this sense says Ignatius of Antiochien that mit of the Diakonie Jesu Christi entrusts the deacons. In the Patristik one interpreted the three-way ordinierte office often trinit?theologisch. These interpretations are today no more. Of the Diakonat one can say however that he is assigned in significant way to the spirit of the Diakonie, no different one is than the spirit of the Christos Diakonos. Diakonale T?gkeiten in social do not caritativen like pastoralen range necessarily presuppose a surgery. Es is attached the fact that M?er, which is tats?lich a diakonalen service aus?n, it as Katechisten in the Verk?igung of the God word, is it in the line of remote Christian municipalities in the name of the minister and the bishop, is it in the Aus?ng of social and caritativer works, by which from the Aposteln?rlieferte hand presenting gest?t and for which more closely old acres are connected, so that they erf?en their service with the help of the sakramentalen Diakonatsgnade more effectively. The special of the Diakonats consists of clarifying the unit of the Diakonie with service and Verk?igung. Functions do not come to the deacon however alone, because all functions of the municipality. and concomitantly the diakonalen functions. into Liturgie and Verk?igung of the church to the representation come m?en. Liturgie and Verk?igung do not d?en to representation methods of diakonaler T?gkeiten to be reduced. They leave themselves therefore not the Diakonie following as tasks of the. The Christos Diakonos, which the deacon is to repr?ntieren in special way, is also no different one than the up-purchased and erh?e gentleman, who is pr?nt in the municipality and it gegen?r, in the first place in the celebration of the Eucharistie. Christi us in Liturgie and Verk?igung is awarded, must Christian Diakonie be understood and carried out therefore by hand presenting and prayer bevollm?tigte to a witness, those from here in official authority the Diakonie Christi in Verk?igung, Liturgie. With the Diakonat it concerns the personale Repr?ntation of the Diakonie. Since the church office of the Auferbauung and Zur?ung of the municipalities f?ihre transmission serve, go? the Diakonie for line responsibility of the. The T?nger Pastoraltheologe Ottmar fox speaks in this sense of the line Diakonie of the office. Here the theological place of the Diakonats. lies already the priest the Diakonie also (PO 6), but is it the deacons, those. bevollm?tigt by the bishop. in special way are responsible to f?den spirit of the Diakonie in the municipality, f?die diakonale Seelsorge and the dia.-conical transmission of the municipality. Since the diakonale Seelsorge covers more than the Sozialdiakonie, the distinction between municipality and social deacon the Diakonat is inadequate. There is only one, undivided. This stresses also the Einf?ung to the deacon consecration in the Pontifikale. It recommends therefore the common deacon consecration of unmarried and. W?end in the west women from the ordinierten office for deacon were already soon verdr?t. here the nichtordinierte office of the Diakonissen developed. it has in the east still for a long time ordinierte deacon inside given, even if its office that of the ordinierten deacons not on an equal footing. The task the ordinierten deacon inside covered donating the patient coming union, the Assistenz with the baptism (Salbung of the female T?linge), the Katechese of women and children, not against it the Altarassistenz with the Eucharistiefeier (ministrare ad old acres), the?entliche and official Wortverk?igung (gospel, lecture) and the celebration of the baptism. With the question of the st?igen Diakonats of the woman must gekl? become not always clear. that is with Bisch?n, partially also with theologians. Ber?sichtigt one the ver?erte position of the woman in the modern society, does not come from anthropologisch theological Gr?en f?mich Diakonat of the woman underneath st?igen. obligatory training document, a surgery from women to st?igen. Since after LG 29 deacons receive the hand presenting nicht to the Priestertum, but to the service (non ad sacerdotium, sed ad Ministry), the question of the Diakonats of the woman is by the p?tliche letter Ordinatio sacerdotalis., which the priest consecration of Mrs. f?die r?sch catholic church. at the Amtsverst?nis of the Patristik oriented Ordotheologie 2. Council, then it concerns with the Presbyterat and Diakonat two eigenst?ige and self-formed Auspr?ngen of the apostolischen office, its full shape. The meaning of the Diakonats f?die municipalities and their the dia.-conical meaning of the Diakonats f?die municipalities and their transmission result from the appointment of the municipalities to become dia.-conical municipalities i.e. inward as outward to be practiced the task of the Diakonats more than the organization of the gemeindlichen Diakonie and co-operation with the institutionalized deacon IE without the concrete faith certification, not without Verk?igung and God-official celebrations, not without baptism and Eucharistie and personale allowance to the arms, distressed ones and patients, has the deacon (the Diakonin) gives the Diakonie Christi, which is assured us in service and Verk?igung, the task, in Verk?igung and Liturgie assured the Diakonie Christi humans in more concrete to award to personaler allowance. it around the unit of sakramentaler, kerygmatischer and dia.-conical Christ meeting. This required bevollm?tigte witnesses and witnesses, who act in the names Christi and the church k?en, in the sense of a diakonalen. The meaning of the Diakonats f?die municipalities exists collegial Aus?ng of church line apart from the perception of the Diakonie lying in the church line responsibility also in that. Tasks of the municipality line in the ordinierten office to be concentrated (in the sense of a cooperative Pastoral and municipality line are rather nichtordinierte municipality services and synodale committees at certain tasks of the municipality line. But already the structure of official-distal extremity-mental municipality line should be cooperative and that variety of the church tasks of line. The three-way shape of the apostolischen office (episcopacy, Presbyterat, Diakonat) proves hierf?als particularly suitably, since the Diakonat is a flexible office, which different accent setting zul?t and several forms collegial line erm?icht. ?menisch of gr?ter importance, since in many churches a R?besinnung takes place on the three-way ordinierte office. Since the church Sakrament of the welfare is f?die world (LG 1), has the Repr?ntation of the Diakonie Christi not only in and gegen?r the municipality, but also in and gegen?r the world?r the municipality must take place to therefore go out, for example into the s?laren range of the occupation and working sphere inside f?St?ige deacons of my Heimatdi?se gang castle Stuttgart:. carries out its service at the same time in center municipality and, where municipality is not yet or no more daf?Sorge that the spirit of the Diakonia Christi is waked, awake-held and practiced in the life of the municipality, thus it itself than sibling. It go? to tasks church office for line daf?Sorge to carry that the distressed ones and Bed?tigen in the municipality, to which R?ern of the municipality are noticed and outside of the municipality as pastorale challenge and them the n?ge assistance is gew?t it corresponds an assistance, whom the Diakonie Christi welfare-ends, into the God releasing and to Solidarit?mit humans reality became. It was Yves Congar, which already recognized fr?(1953) that der comes to Verkn?ung of Diakonie and Diakonat?serste significance. The church needs therefore bevollm?tigte witnesses, M?er and Mrs., humans in official authority those. Pl?yer f?einen Diakonat with different faces Swiss Bisch? have after the council the st?igen. A?rzeugendes concept to its F?erung. The new Grundnormen f?die training of the st?igen deacons requires however of that Bisch?n, which eingef?t the st?igen Diakonat in their local churches, a clear concept and suitable structures such as coworkers to the F?erung. stands oneself therefore in the obligation, thoughts?r the future of the st?igen. Also the Diakonat of the woman must become along also. Is not the st?ige Diakonat of the woman at present yet m?ich. The new Direktorium f?den service and the life of the st?igen deacons does not close it however, against first Bef?htungen. Board of directors sees deacons not only in the main profession, but just as also. Since the dia.-conical transmission of the municipalities is not beschr?t on the within-church range, the church needs also deacons and deacon inside. The Diakonat should therefore in the sense of a Diakonats with different faces (according to that variety of the Hl. of women and M?ern in the main profession as with civilian profession, in addition, in connection with a church occupation (z. thereby is ad?ate theological training as gew?leisten (the f?Diakone and deacon inside, those its Diakonat not full-time aus?n, in the far from or evening study. Diakonat k?ten beside Theologen/Theologinnen also Katecheten/Katechetinnen and social worker/social female workers its, but likewise women and M?er. In Germany the st?ige Diakonat was gef?ert from the outset purposefully (alone in the ore diocese K? there are today?r 300 st?ige deacons, in the diocese gang castle Stuttgart is it?r 200, altogether is far it in Germany?r 2000). Also the discussion around the st?igen Diakonat of the woman is in Germany. Thus develops at present. in the consequence of the Stuttgart conference to the Diakonat of the woman, initiated by Peter H?rmann, (1997). It concerns the union already now of Diakonatskreisen., in those women itself on those. This shows that the purposeful F?erung of the st?igen Diakonats by no means directed against the women its. ?fnung the st?igen Diakonats f?die Mrs. h?e meaning f?den socialdia.-conical and p?gogischen range, in that today already by the majority Mrs. do not only work also meaning win f?den theologically ungekl?en and service of the Pastoralassistenten/Pastoralassistentinnen also unsecured since the layman instruction. Ber?sichtigt one n?ich the tasks and functions, which the f?den Diakonat aufz?t (Verk?igung, baptism, Altarassistenz, funeral, Eheassistenz, line of word services, diakonale Seelsorge, tasks of municipality line), then one can do in the st?igen Diakonat quite a f?die diakonale Seelsorge zust?iges office of the Pastoralassistenz. The st?ige Diakonat was a special request 2. In Switzerland it is still in the child shoes. to w?chen that m?ichst itself many women and M?er, Pastoralassistenten/Pastoralassistentinnen and Theologen/Theologinnen, in addition, Katecheten/Katechetinnen and social worker/social female workers such as women and M?er, the one honorary socialdia.-conical, pastoralen or liturgical service aus?n, itself with the st?igen Diakonat. Ber?sichtigt one the ver?erte position of the woman in the church, requires it not only the F?erung of the st?igen Diakonats, but likewise an updating actualization. Helmut Hoping is deacon and tidy professor f?Dogmatik to the theological Fakult?der Universit?n university Luzern. 1 here and in the following one means Diakonie. not only Sozialdiakonie, but those holistic Diakonia at humans. 2 the 1 Tim 3.11 erw?ten women is probably not the women of the deacons, but deacon inside. 3 already in apostolischer time became line services by prayer. 4 the decision f?die renewal of the Diakonats the compilation of the different voting results took place. Morche, for the renewal of the st?igen Diakonats, Freiburg ith Hornef, comes back the deacon fr?n of the church. for the renewal of the church office, Diakonie as nature dimension of the church and the Spezifikum of the Diakonats, in: Diaconia Christi 13 (1978) number 4, 3.22. ders. the church and its office by the deacon, in: Diaconia Christi 16 (1981)., Diakonat. A contribution for the renewal of the church. IL diaconato permanent nel Concilio Vaticano IIo, Vicenza 1974. P. Profile of the eigenst?igen deacon, in: IKaZ 7 (1978) 269.281. J. Diakonat. Fragments of a meditation, in: Diaconia Christi 24 (1989). Altana, the wiederentdeckung of the Diakonates and its development until today, in: ebd. Lehmann, In everything like the eye of the church. Working group of st?iger Diakonat in the Federal Republic of Germany. Hoping, Diakonie as task of the church office for line, dogma tables?erlegungen for the theology of the Diakonats, in: Working group of st?iger Diakonat in the Federal Republic. Isolated there are still Kirchenrechtler, which deny that the Diakonat is part of the Ordosakraments. An office in the church legislation. 12 a short?erblick for the history of the Diakonats gives. 16 a Lehrt?gkeit of the deacons is not in the NT erw?t, probably however in still in ntl. A Lehrt?gkeit of the deacons cannot be excluded already, because anf?lich the differences between the line services. Were clearly this also at the Sieben., which were ausgew?t f?den table service, at the same time however with tasks of the Verk?igung entrusted (see already soon led deacons the celebration of the baptism and verk?igten the word of God in the celebration of the Eucharistie. Deacons could donate the Krankensalbung under Umst?en also (see and possessed with danger to life the authority to the Rekonziliation (see the Kleruskongregation: Durch presenting the H?e of the bishop and a certain consecration prayer empf?t the deacon a special Gleichf?igkeit with Christ, the head and gentleman of the church, for which from love for the father for the latter and servant everything made itself (see position determination of the office, in: Church and theology common in the cultural dialogue. 21 were the following allocations: Bishop (father), Presbyter (meeting of the council, apostolischer senate of the bishop), deacons (Christos Diakonos, Messiah of the father, prophet of the bishop), deacon inside and/or Colson, deacon and bishop in the first centuries. 23 so must, like it into the Rahmenordnung f?st?ige deacons in the Bist?rn of the Federal Republic of Germany. (1994), die is called unit of the church office its expression in the fact finds that he in each case is in all three basic services t?g: the Diakonie of the Liturgie, the Verk?igung and that. The sequence of the services mentioned (it corresponds the Aufz?ung in LG to 29) is not zuf?ig, but as emergency of church and Pastoral, D?eldorf 1990, 203. as emergency of church and Pastoral, D?eldorf 1990, 197.208. 26 this meets also f?die distinction pastoraler deacon and sozial caritativer deacon of the Richtlinien f?den eigenst?igen Diakonat in German-language Switzerland. The consecration of the bishop, the priest and the deacons (Pontifikale f?die catholic Bist?r of the German linguistic area. 28 to the Diakonat of the woman see from Stritzky, the service that. Thiermeyer, the Diakonat of the woman, in:. An office f?Frauen in the church. 29 Jalons pour une Th?ogie you La?t (1953). Altana, the wiederentdeckung of the Diakonats and its development until today, in: Diaconia Christi 24 (1989) number 3/4, 49. Kongregation f?das catholic training system, basic standards f?die training of the st?igen deacons (announcements the service and the life of the st?igen deacons (announcements of the. 32 your training takes place in a mehrj?igen theological far from and evening study as well as a following Pastoralkurs with the emphasis. against it the priest consecration presupposes 34 the office for municipality line, which includes the presidency in the Eucharistiefeier, also in the future.
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