Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Down East Rentals
. Why the Party of Democratic Socialism .Nein. to the euro says a Mr. Griebenow from Prenzlau ten thousands tenants in the Prenzlauer mountain is victims of the rent politics of the German Federal Republic after the combination. The citizen of Berlin rent standard of 1997 f?die?lichen districts brings it senate-officially to the day. So that this does not auff?t in such a way however the .Bild.-Zeitungsleser, the federal state government cheats. S?liche citizen of Berlin rent standard so far proved the orts?iche comparative rent in form of the gross cold rent, thus einschlie?ich the cold operating cost. That does not make the new east mirror. That leaves the operating cost blank and f?t the net cold rents per square meter and month into the comparisons. From the values (west -) citizens of Berlin of the rent standard 1996 the operating cost specified even there are withdrawn, it comes to material comparisons. F?eine dwelling between 60 and 90 m². without bath in simple housing situation (establishes 1918 ago) are in the Prenzlauer mountain 5.36 DM/m². and in the Wedding 3.76 DM/m². Net cold rent .orts?ich. The difference is still more serious with dwellings, which were established between 1919 and 1949. Here in the Weimar Republic an alternative to the tenement houses of the Kaiser era was created. The simple tenant should have sun, but also a bath and a central heating in his dwelling not only. After the new rent standard there f?eine dwelling with more than 90 m². a net cold rent of 8,46 DM is proven. Those are 2.77 DM or scarcely 50% more than in a comparable dwelling in the western part of Berlin. Those are not under any circumstances only exceptions. Each of the two rent standards has 144 value fields. Of it do 51 fields leave themselves bez?ich completion time, to equipment and Wohnungsgr? compare. That concerns dwellings, which were established to 1949. And with these 51 F?en the east rents are in 46 F?en h?r as in the west. Is enough?erh?ng from 1,5 to 67%,000 dwellings of the Prenzlauer mountain are 70. Rent standard east (1997) and rent standard west (1996) in the comparison ausgew?te housing kinds in simple housing situation . in DM/m². for each month without SH, without bath, without inside WC citizen of Berlin rent standard of 1996 f?die western districts (net cold rents after departure of the operating cost) citizen of Berlin rent standard of 1997 f?die?lichen districts difference between west and east rents?rgro? Majority of the tenants of our district was gesch?gt by the rent politics of the federation. By the Party of Democratic Socialism Prenzlauer mountain and by the .Prenzlberger. was already referred years ago after. Lately became also in increasing mA? by experts and taken from individual politicians to the knowledge. Politician of all Coleur gei?ln the marode built volumes in the Prenzlauer mountain as consequence of material-socialist Mi?irtschaft. At the same time they watch however doless, how the tenants of these dwellings were driven by law to rack-rents and become. That may not be waited more l?er. Illicit buildings are illegal Bauma?ahmen. These found and take place presently in the house of the Bezirksb?ermeisters, directly in its Amtsr?en. There intact windows are denkmalpflegerisch renewed. There a Br?ungskanal f?eine .strukturierte Verkabelung. is brought in, those by BVV Beschlu?f?das financial year 1997 painted ist.000 DM were paid daf?schon. Three things prangerte the Party of Democratic Socialism boss on. So far the means black blocked in the house 6 of the office for district h?en handed, around of the Schlie?ng threatened gymnasium of the 17. Secondly: The office for district controlled the district order meeting from the company of the .Baulichen Unterhalts.. It has?derungen not brought the BVV to the determined central allocation decided and to the knowledge. The district office collecting mains to the?derungsbeschl?en were not given . against all rules . to the parliamentary groups. Also the?iche message of the office for district to the Erf?ung of BVV Beschl?en was missing so far to the this?derungen central allocation. Thirdly: Mr. Kumke (SPD) used on behalf of his parliamentary group prek? Household situation, in order to cook party-own S?chen of the SPD. Therefore?rsehe it geflissentlich the illicit buildings in the SPD city hall and organizes political .Nebenkriegsschaupl?e. It did not give reactions on the Vorw?e, neither from the office for district nor from the SPD or its build-political speaker. Which was not, with security will still become. Illicit buildings of nearly million DM directly under the eyes of the Bezirksb?ermeisters and (considered.) Informationsl?en . the mu?Nachspiele have districts against the summary of the 23 citizens of Berlin to 12 new to votieren and act. This Beschlu?wurde carried by all parliamentary groups . however with different statements .. Erkl?e with these repetitions SPD party head Lehmann. In the CDU . so the leader of the parliamentary group, Mr. Stenger . rejected the circle federation Prenzlauer mountain the reduction on 12 districts. And that is obligatory also f?die bezirklichen CDU members of the Lower House. During the tuning the CDU contained however of the voice. Conference of the BVV had 24 items on the agenda. Of it 8 came on the consent list, without debate was co-ordinated. The office for district submitted the draft to the budget 1998. This became into the Aussch?e?rwiesen. Nearly 40 per cent of K?ung of the konsumtiven special expenditures is ordered of the senate authority. Heavy days and weeks stand for the district-ordered bevor.1997 are the office for sport again the range youth, family, school and culture, D the area of responsibility of the Party of Democratic Socialism town councillor Burkhard Kleinert, assigned. In the second legislative period 1992, this office the Party of Democratic Socialism town councillor at that time was away-arranged f?Jugend and family, Dr. Tanju T?l, because the Party of Democratic Socialism was against the olympic plays in Berlin. The Sonderausschu?Prater submitted a Abschlu?ericht and adjusted its T?gkeit. With gro?m Flei?hat of these Ausschu?detailliert noted, what admits before was. With a Investaufwand of 2,3 millions DM the still functioning Prater was transformed into a Investruine. The following further Beschl?e became and now stands the district order meeting difficult weeks ago of the budget consultation. Already since in the middle of July are the office for district the numbers from the senate administration f?Finanzen well-known, after which the district plan is to be arranged. In the single diagramme youth and family are located from the ben?gten 15.46 millions of controllable special expenditures to only about 9.36 millions accordingly saw themselves the youth welfare office gen?gt to submit to the Jugendhilfeausschu?eine list of Vorschl?n: DEAD LINE f?m?iche K?ungen. But even this suggestion does not f?t for covering. However the Schlie?ng of youth leisure facilities, which .Wegfall. of all Erholungsma?ahmen and further substantial central reductions w?en this covering manufacture. Nevertheless, so the district town councillor Kleinert in the Ausschu? it will not give a further reduction by the youth welfare office. In the past computer model however the F?erung of free Tr?r is not so far ber?sichtigt. In the current financial year 1997 it succeeded to the district to adjust in the youth range 6.8 millions ben?gte DM f?die F?erung of these Tr?r with what Prenzlauer mountain Berlin far with distance the No. also f?1998 h? the youth welfare office the F?erung f?fachlich required and necessarily. Did one take as a basis daf?den plan beginning 1997, suppl.? itself f?1998 a Gesamtdeckungsl?e of approximately 8 millions. Such L?e can be taken off in the context of the district household under no Umst?en. How that is to run, Bielka did not tell us however. The Vorwehen of the budgetary debates reached the district-ordered. One begins lobbyful around the importance of individual ranges, is it a building or youth already now, is it social or culture to chop. That the Stadtr?n subordinated office for construction supervision in three appraisals this Gef?dung from each other deviating however had not best?gt. If however tats?lich a danger exists, so l? it asks itself why the money is not used f?ihre removal. It hardly lies in the sense of the district, if the individual district office departments try among themselves to provide better positions in the budgetary debate. The Party of Democratic Socialism parliamentary group will therefore be guided (also) within the youth range only once by the necessities. Therefore she requested a Anh?ng in the district order meeting for the work of the free Tr?r of all ranges, to 10. If money f?die Aufgabenerf?ung is ben?gt, go? it into the plan. Even if thereby the K?ungsvorgaben is not to be erf?en, it remains thereby. Also the districts are responsible to erf?en the condition and gesetzm?g given social tasks. Therein each K?ungskurs finds its borders. Da?die gro? Coalition bewu? , does l torpediert? only to the creeping Selbstaufl?ng to force wants the Schlu?zu, the da?sie districts. The districts m?en themselves against it to the resistance set. In addition they are legally obligated, because alone they erf?en the ma?eblichen b?ernahen tasks. Our departure for relief work to Poland could on Monday, the 28. Au?rdem we had loaded clothes, baby things, Kosmetika, Bettw?he, toy, mineral water, fruit and S?gkeiten. On Tuesday we arrived at 5 o'clock on the yard of Mrs. Walentowicz. When it became day, we started from there after Urad at the or, where we met on Einsatzkr?e of the army. The there employment leader kl?e us?r the situation at the dykes up and referred us to the Hilfsg?rsammelstelle of the municipality Cybinka. There we had a conversation with the Chefsekret?des B?ermeisters. It led the collection of Hilfsg?rn, which are distributed depending upon need to the places of work. It received our building materials however thanking. On Wednesday one said us then, where our remaining Hilfsg?r is used k?ten. In Krosno, where in the cultural center food and a dress issuing department are. Thus we inquired schlie?ich with Polish acquaintance about another M?ichkeit to help. On their advice we drove on Thursday to Swiebodzin, into the gr?e orphanage of the Wojewodschaft. There about 100 children and young person at the age from 0 to 26 live. We were received very friendly and one removed us all thanking. Schlie?ich loaded us the home leader to a coffee and a Gespr? . We continue to become around the children's home in Swiebodzin k?ern. As n?stes we organize a Benefiz concert with volume from the Prenzlauer mountain. Suse Fischer, Konrad Endler, David Seelig, Doreen Reuter, Alexandra Walentowicz, Diethard sweetheart becomes, because Skins to the aids geh?n. A glatze makes still no Nazi, and Ska music comes still from Jamaica. With the citizen of Berlin rent standards 1996 were defined for the first time f?die ostberliner of districts housing situations. There are simple, middle and good housing situations. The better the housing situation is, the h?r is the orts?ichen rents. 1996 were complete the Prenzlauer mountain .einfache Wohnlage. Only one year sp?r it with the citizen of Berlin rent standard of 1997 f?die east districts also to .mittlere Wohnlagen. received. The office for district participated in Workshops of the institute GEWOS, answered the Baustadtr?n Dubrau (B?nis). There free opinion could be ge?ert, z., da?man f?die retention of the complete simple housing situation in the Prenzlauer mountain is. But one was instructed, da?das GEWOS GEWOS-Institut a unabh?iger consultant is. Therefore one could talk, but nothing?ern. The office for district sch?t the project of the AIDS Pr?ntion as?erst important. Due to of substantial cancellations from budgetary appropriations is not however a F?erung m?ich. Erkl? the district town councillor Burkhard Kleinert (Party of Democratic Socialism), in answer of a small inquiry. The youth health service and an AIDS advisory board of the office for district dedicate betr?tlichen area to the consultation of Sch?rinnen and Sch?rn. The schools use the offers. 1996 was durchgef?t 72 meetings with altogether 614 participants. As well known does the WiP sell the dwellings Storkower Stra? 26-48, and 58-90 (straight house numbers) as well as Kniprodestra? 94-96. This right becomes also contractually with the Ver?erung on third and their legal successor weitergegeben.. Thus this yearly informed the Baustadtr?n, Mrs. Dubrau in August (B?nis). The request to this BVV Beschlu?kam of the Party of Democratic Socialism parliamentary group. The asylum-seeker achievement law l? with the Gew?ung of achievements a scope for discretion too. The legislator defined these again and extended, in order to work it the Beh?en to erm?ichen, individual H?ef?en against. .Eine composition of the Ermessensaus?ng is with view to the view of individual case so not m?ich., dismissed an employee the small inquiry. Look only a number more lie?er: in 33 F?en after Einzelfallpr?ng achievements were gew?t, that are 6.6% the Geamtantragsteller. The zust?ige town councillor, Mr. von Olszewski (CDU), dismissed the questions still more, by not even signing the answer. Why the Party of Democratic Socialism .Nein. to the euro says the no of the Party of Democratic Socialism to the euro is particularly in the following begr?et:. The euro is on the R?en that lohnabh?ig Besch?igten, which unemployed persons and socially weak one are eingef?t. In the Maastricht contract the Geldwertstabilit?zum fetisch was raised. The statement of the Federal Government, the euro creates Arbeitspl?e, is directly wrong. With the euro the L?e the present role of the rates of exchange?rnehmen. Necessary adjustments due to different Produktivit? - and price history in individual European Union states k?en then only on the detour?r the L?e (and/or lohndumping, removal of the Fl?entarifsystems and the Ausspielen of female workers with different P?en are the consequences. It versch?t itself the competition pressure particularly on mittelst?ische enterprises. Still more dismissals and Firmenpleiten are to be expected. This?rstaatliche monetary policy is not obligated to unterst?en the economic and social politics, which remain in nationalnational Zust?igkeit. The euro does not eint Europe. It splits the continent politically and socially. Those?nomisch schw?eren states become still more schw?er and the strong ones still more st?er. The adjustment of the living conditions is abandoned completely upward. It takes place an adjustment downward. The euro is to wappnen the European Union f?den global competition against dollar and Yen. A europ?che environmental union is not in view. The W?ungsunion, then states the conservative chancellor and b?nisgr? Executive committee speaker unisono, is .eine question of war and Frieden. But no more does not pull. It will it too use themselves make, da?die humans their social misery with?ertragung the nationalnational authority to europ?che instances to connect. The critics of this economics and W?ungsunion from the left spectrum do not ruin the europ?chen Zusammenschlu? Bezirksgesch?sstelle of the Party of Democratic Socialism Prenzlberg. To? to the starting side of the Party of Democratic Socialism in the Prenzlberg
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