Sunday, March 09, 2008
Bmw park lane
Europaconcorsi - One progettuale scene for the situated Alpha Romeo di Arese - Portfolio. It uses this menu in order to be annoying in the situated one. A progettuale scene for situated the Alpha Romeo di Arese.area Alpha Romeo di Arese has not up to now had the history of successes that it has characterized that one, space not far, of Sixth Saint Giovanni passes to you, without traumi social comparable to those of other European regions, from citt. the factory to a city place of greater complessit., today to the taken ones with the successive problem of the search of new ways of city rappresentazione. Like always in the cases of radicals and expresses changes, the citt. meaningful and adapted to the new city roles. Always in the case of Sixth, industrial questo.insediamento - unitary, repentino and of enormous, advanced amplitude to that one of the come true Falck of Sixth in order it is made successive occup. a free territory between various citizens, nobody di.le which of important dimension and importance, n. equipped of city and productive occasions comparable to the new intervento.accentuazione given to the reindustrialization (in 1995 the Lombardy Region promoted the situated one for new productive takeovers ed.Accordo of Program for the reindustrialization dell.uso of the situated one in a vision devout surrounding and interested: social, economic and managerial but above all territorial, the social parts, the communal Administrations, the Lombardy Region, the propriet. of the areas, Fiat, the Park of the Groane- in a direction of meant wide and contemporary value of grounds and to accept productive tipologie lacking in interest, to a various one, that it searches the solution nell. - the great presence of empty a city one in a strongly inhabited territory and continuous densificazione: the empty ones constitute devout the precious progettuale instrument today in order to propose one new city structuring in the territories of the spread. It not various orients the reading of the from Milan city territory from as the Sforzesco Castle it has made it in the overlapped time for the citt., emphasizing it, to that one of the agricultural territory in wraps centers them, different from the bands laterali.aggiudicazione of the areas to a limited number of propriet.area in the north-west, the historical direction of qualitative increase from Milan today reaffirmed from the takeovers of the Fair, to 5 km of distance from the situated one, and dell.interno of the direction the north-west: to flank dell.asse of the Sempione by now saturated, in consolidated a territorial channel devout. to 15 km from public square of the Dome, the same distance that along other radial ones exists between the public square and Monza, between the public square and Melegnano. - the clear perception, from part of the customers of the territory, dell.inserimento of the situated one in the realt. from Milan. the motivations are of various order: from localization hardly to of l. of the highway barrier of Milan on the autolaghi, accompanied from the strong visibilit.edificio of the museum Romeo Alpha dall.autostrada, to the fact that the Fair, new an important point of from Milan city interest, is found to the same distance from public square of the Dome. of Garbagnate and from station FS and High Velocit. to the aerial Fair from Malpensa via freeway and from Milan F.: the situated one constitutes one of the potenzialit. latent of north-Milan encloses and pu. cross-sectional able to converse with centripetal Milan (fig. 5). a real rappresentazione of this trasversalit., represented from the Villoresi Channel, lambisce situated to north, constituting between the cycle-pedestrian Ticino and l. on the tow ropes and of use for the emphasized free time from the actions of many Common ones. - the ceiling with the Park of the Groane, one of the meaningful ecologies that specify the citt. - the water equipment, capacities to situated from the Villoresi Channel in East-West sense and from the Lura torrent in direction the north-south. - the presence of two modern buildings of architectonic interest, l.altro on the way Romeo Alpha, planned from Ignazio Gardella and inaugurated in the 1975.Automobile in the 1982 has constituted, with the attivit. and the placed side by side occasions, an important economic value for l.intera French region in the last years automotive houses BMW to Monaco, Mercedes and Porsche to Stoccarda reconstructed and have widened the own museums. Memories that the Brand Romeo Alpha contains to its inside the visconteo symbol with which Milan like that Porsche, the historical antagonist dell.Alfa on the European roads, it contains the symbol of the citt. of the value represented in the Milan north from the situated Romeo Alpha localized between the Common ones of Arese, Garbagnate, Lainate and Rho. The plan, the last one of a varying series of elaborated from May 2006, is based sull.uso of the shape that characterizes situated an accommodating time the industrial sheds, perpetuating of the value as sign of riconoscibilit. happens designing a city park of defined geometric shape, of 450 mt x 370 mt, for a surface of 17 has. The Garden Publics of Milan in Venice Course supplies a comparison: 500x400 meters, 18 have. The park Romeo Alpha comes proposed as new place centers them, and realized re-uniting the areas standard in cession to the Common ones interested reinterpretato in original meant its, that one of instrument for giving structure to citt. through the design of the its spaces publics. Tipologicamente, the plan characterizes that structure like a green center that is placed side by side to the historical centers, offering to the inhabitants one double opportunit.: to acknowledge singularly in a material and an ancient shape, and totally in a material and a contemporary shape which. the opened space, the true collective space of the citt. The creation of a great public park architectonic designed, from the defined shape, rappresenter. the city meant one of the transformations happened in the realt. social and physical of the Milan north, cos. contrapposta to a concentrated supposed city value in Milan. The prompt plan to work for the qualit. It comes put in light one modalit. of planning that leaving from the premises contributes to a wide design devout: draft in fact for the Common ones to work itself on the space between of they and not only to their inside. The park Romeo Alpha resumes in its plan the antecedent guidelines of the agricultural space industrial l.insediamento: it confines with the Park of the Groane and of it it constitutes an inserted head nell.Autostrada of Lagos, and with a brand and an identifying image (fig 8).interno of svincolo highway the two vertical blades constitute marks them, a door of access to the opportunit. which it has been approached in that dall.atto point of the construction of the plant, comes brought back in the position originates them in order to enrich the green of a lago of 100 x 100 mt that it resumes geometry of the parco.edificio of the offices of Gardella supplies l.appoggio for pedestrian and ciclabili footbridges that scavalcano the way Romeo Alpha, tying the natural park with the park urbano.estensione of the Park of the Groane in the areas of the Park residential Romeo.edificazione Alpha and that one productive - the places to dell.abitare and of the job in the citt. The residences show oneself on the park with two ranks of variable buildings to blade between the 12 and 9 plans. They will accommodate also terziario in the plans intermedi.istruzione in buildings isolate to you, connected from one tramway line. This road and this infrastructure insert the new edificazione within a trasversalit. city in East-West sense whose affirmation marks it the conquered autonomy of the territories of the Milan north from the radialit. In the western part they define rooms that they accommodate towards productive south attivit. of limited dimension and of high qualit., accompanied from green and residence for the conductors to supply the rule for the planning of the zone they trades devout. The increase of lives to you existing in the common ones of Lainate to the west and Garbagnate to east orienter. naturally in the same direction of the plan centers emphasizing them the cross-sectional city design. One study of city sociology potr. to deepen the introduced aspects of modification in the realt. local from the performance of the proposed scene. The proseguimento in surface of the red line MILIMETER from Rho-Fiera to the Park like center of a characterized city agglomerate and like modalit. the unitary vision that emerges from the performance of the plan, bringing to light with its strongly city image the new takeover and the qualit. Its river basin of user of it guarantees the realizzabilit. The distance, studied from the Common ones interested, toccher. of Garbagnate, the city woven ones in localization devout. The riuso of railway tracing FNM that served the plant Romeo Alpha coming from the station of Garbagnate. previewed in the plan in urbanistici terms, and it must be deepened in terms of order works them on the base of one specialistico study. the derivation of a scene begins them that it has had as scope that one to put the light with new immediacy and clarity the possible ones means you of the situated one. In the scene it came previewed a squared city park of 750 mt x 750 mt, for a surface of 56 has, correspondent to 27 % of the surface total available to the planning, par to 207 has. In parallel, an analysis of Italian occasions of industrial restructure offered this residential dati:.edificazione came concentrated on western sides and orients them and that productive one on the northern side, defining l.orientamento of the constructions was that one of sides of the park in first rank, that one of the lateral territories in second. The space between the two ranks variously turned out decided and accommodated the tramway line and the road. The productive areas were of 18 have, destinabili to workings of qualit. that they could find advantage from the localization opened to south on the Park, pointing out to you study spaces, planning and exposure. The areas trade them were of 15 have, localized to the south-west. Committente: Lombardic infrastructures, Lombardy Region Planner group leader: Cesar Blots Cassia Group of planning: Cesar Blots Cassia, Peter Blots Cassia, Diego Steffenini - similar Lombardic Infrastructures Portfolio find to you in ours database....... Office rebuilding of the former cafeteria Romeo Alpha, New Hatch
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