Monday, March 03, 2008
How to grow lilies
Allmystery •. faith of the Germans w?st. type: These adverts do not appear, if they why not, one religi? Teachings cannot make gl?lich. The Gef? to be gl?lich comes from the inside like each Gef? and not from the outside. No divinity can a Gesch? make gl?lich. Where lilies bl?n in darkly the moon light, do not leave you drauf hides you. If humans think animals do not f?en, m?en animals f?en that humans do not think. No God must be, we talks about the faith. Emergency just more another brick into the barrier. Hren everything in principle the same: - the existence of a soul, connected with the thoughts of the Reinkarnation and the Karmas - the existence of an upper soul (God) - Erl?ng by realization (illuminating) only the Buddhismus widemt the 2. Otherwise the teachings the same are only evenly adapted point less attention to the respective cultural unhistorischen Umst?en. Is does no criterion f believe? gl?lich its. Where lilies bl?n in darkly the moon light, do not leave you drauf hides you. If humans think animals do not f?en, m?en animals f?en that humans do not think. There is no wrong and correct faith. Faith is not called knows, if you know it w?est w?est you it do not believe but know. Therefore there is also a difference between faith and knowledge. Where lilies bl?n in darkly the moon light, do not leave you drauf hides you. If humans think animals do not f?en, m?en animals f?en that humans do not think. Under these criteria still more gets ' religions ' under a hat, but end in practice w?e ne meeting between those in ner Pr?lei. Emergency just more another brick into the barrier. But there l?t which inclined if you your faith does not erf?lt. Read the speeches Jesu, the Meditation?r the knowledge D Buddhismus, - normal wise Gl?lich makes and this Gl? h? under normal conditions also on if one of Mediattionssitzkissen down does not come ^^. you is sowas from engstirnig and in an intolerant manner. Why it is bittesch?verbrecherisch a religion anzugeh?n. You excite yourself?r the intolerance of the religions, which I can reconstruct. I find it also not mad, if women are unterdr?t or Homos are discriminated against. But a Medallie has always two sides. Likewise hei? I its ore-conservative opinions well. But I do not disparage the man also. Sky, so for a long time it daf?sorgt that a few children in Africa become more full, target me quite its. I can decide schlie?ich still even, what I take care of from the faith and which not. I do not hold much of the Bible and their teachings. Buddha hatt however an enormous error made. It believed to be made gl?lich all humans by the same method k?en. And thus each humans must find its own way to become gl?lich. There is no way all humans makes gl?lich. Where lilies bl?n in darkly the moon light, do not leave you drauf hides you. If humans think animals do not f?en, m?en animals f?en that humans do not think. ----Aber a Medallie has always two sides. I f?meinen part did not m?te with such associations anything to do have, all the same whether it gives there some, which are nice and friendly. If you do into a swimming association of entrance, then you nevertheless probably also, because you want to play a SWIMMING and not over at the pond edge Billiard. It is to be been only all too humanly like that. Where lilies bl?n in darkly the moon light, do not leave you drauf hides you. If humans think animals do not f?en, m?en animals f?en that humans do not think. You cannot compare karitative associations nevertheless with faith. That shows the fact that you Empathie does not possess you in Relig?t?einzuf?en. I am are catholic birth and does not have ever someone killed. I am the exception probably mean you me oderr somebody else. Where lilies bl?n in darkly the moon light, do not leave you drauf hides you. If humans think animals do not f?en, m?en animals f?en that humans do not think. ----Du cannot compare karitative associations nevertheless with faith. Karitative of associations know which it tun.Und most karitativen associations become carried through. "Buddha hatt however an enormous error made. It believed to be made gl?lich all humans by the same method k?en. Emergency just more another brick into the barrier. "read the speeches Jesu, the Meditation?r the knowledge D Buddhismus, - normal wise Gl?lich" makes thus if one the mountain lecture reads can that also very a deprimieren however otherwise - like that are that, if one understands the whole only partial is one already more contently than before. Emergency just more another brick into the barrier if one the whole ALSO only partial. Emergency just more another brick into the barrier.
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