Sunday, March 02, 2008
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R?blicke on my life, book version, chapter 2 (text). The river of the time does not go itself as fast, as from vortices, at cliffs vor?r the memory, which entwindet representation. Also that hour, of which Shakespeare its Macbeth so truely, so refreshing say l?, "it gutter also by the rauhsten day." The hour brings mildness, to peace, balsam. But it runs slowly and solemnly. In the previous section the time was given until 1840 in gedr?tem overview. Tr? Autumn days had come in the year 1831?r Berlin. The "asiatic guest", which Cholera, had for the first time Europe ber?t. Nothing had the Ann?rung zur?halten k?en. Schleiermacher found this contrast between spirit and subject so f?hterlich, became more da?er dar?r ill, and Hegel succumbed to him directly. At that time grew in the Kochstra? l?lich ungest?es grass. Berlin z?te few?r 200.000 inhabitants. The number of the t?ichen victims, who the Cholera fortraffte, had already risen nevertheless to 200. In each quarter there were Choleraspit?r. These the patients in long K?en?rzogenen with wax cloth were?rantwortet. The Begr?isse took place the at night. One had furnished oneself on an attitude, as she might have taken place in the Middle Ages, if the plague fallow. All Tr?r and other officials with the Transportgesch? carried gr? wachstuchene over dresses. Everything that one ber?te, smelled after chlorine. Who could leave Berlin, departed. Also f?mich it applied at that time to take to the todtenstillen Friedrichs and Kochstra?necke parting. There the the subject of my love there also the friend lived, me still some steps from the house NR. The sail should cleared, which high sea of the car and testing of the juvenile strength will drive on. The Bl?e of the student time was already for a long time withered now completely, where all "M?gkeit" preached. The lectures were ver?t, the professors einsylbig. Professor Hecker, the one history of the medicine written, Monographieen?r "English the Schwei?, ?r the Flagellantenwahnkrankheit, was in all mouth. Which could not come still everything to?licher Ekstase. It had already given riot around the wells. Realms poisoned these, hie?es, in order to exterminate arms. The appointments to the anger of the sky, the?entlichen conditions of the strength of the prayer became unertr?ich. B?er and I, a circle Commilitonen, already connected from the school, had established a "burschenschaftliches Kr?chen", [ 35, "Ueberschu?an tendency". ] itself each Saturday at a quiet lauschigen place in the Splittgerbergasse, in the N? the Freimaurerloge "to the three world balls" met. This Ueberschu? that the delphischen Orakelspruch (and hopefully also the free bricklaying). vollst?ig, controlled the juvenile soul contradicts. Where this is with its fire to even cry to even mourn its Bed?ni?zu dear to admire." and something similar with so urkr?iger voice sang. From where pedantische Ernst came, who durchf?te the whole course of a Commerses. Our song book was well-known Serig' of Leipzig. That "Ueberschu?an tendency" - or I am to say the self goading to the R?ung -. a Gl?, more da?der kr?ige soil of the Gl?r, if these were stamped, when derivative sensation serve could. Already with the words: "and in it on God trust despite rains storm and Graus" main header [ 36, first feather/spring samples. ] itself the voice to a anabaptistischen Tremolo. It applied the Loos of the Burschenschaft and completely Germany. No view became on the Th?gerichtet whether not the Universit?pedell came and claimed from us s?tlich our "identity cards". In sp?rn years I met the author of the obencitirten song, August von Binzer, gebornen Holsteiner, in Augsburg. The Sph?, those the former Kieler Demagogen surrounded, f?te themselves as the maa?ebendste after each direction. The parting in the Kochstra? because of the Cholera one did not carry out. It w?e also under less d?ern Umst?en took place. The urge of the opposition against the absolute official state had suffered me each impression, which me still Berlin gew?te. ] only too erkl?n by me turned the favour of the so generally gef?hteten Minister of Kamptz (in my "life pictures" volume I S. A Kammergerichtsrath bar DUA was ordered the student as Censor. The costs of this first breaking through the Ei's went out of my bag. Otherwise I was already inaugurated as a boy into the black art. Here with Conrad Feister, so hie?mein owner printer, should apply now the misprint for me. Because I the verschm?e liberty to write?r the cabinets from Petersburg and Vienna to. Seemed to me nevertheless, when the w?e gew?te liberty brombeeren resembled, which are surrounded by too much Brennnesseln. Print the sheet with genuine Philologenstolz lie?ich, in order to make it more readable for the Engl?ern and Frenchmen, with latin type characters. My task was essentially those, the man of my heart, Wolfgang Menzel, to take against the attacks of its opponents in protection. Were Erg?e of the purest devotion to a view of the literature, which seemed destined to me as the autocracy on critical areas. Nat?ich was I only romantic. ] and Karl Simrock at that time in easy coffee and Theebl?chen, "Estafette", "Courier", against which einrei?nde "Judenthum in the literature" could heat up in such a way. The journal reached the H? of 70 subscribers. In Stuttgart I wanted to continue my literary training with Wolfgang Menzel. The first journey in the life, the journey of a Zwanzigj?igen, a journey forwards nearly f?zig years. This was also adventurously enough. As one flies now there. As one wins little time to think conception rows out spiders, to collect itself from country and people new experiences. Everywhere the simple "driving post office" offered to opportunity for settlement. But?rall the Gensdarmen the P?e. also visirten the Polish revolution was geb?igt, "Warsaw calmly". who took flight to the exceptions on 1 November of the given amnesty geh?e. In the process of the journey, in weimarischem area, came?r Saxonia, in post office and Beiw?n, Schaaren of Fl?tlingen. Material politics did not drive even Friedrich of Raumer, that the history of the Theilung Poland erz?te. ] th?ngische ministers were only erf?t of simultaneous speciell German occurences, halle'schen Angebereien, Evangelist Kirchenzeitungsverketzerungen, R?s, Bretschneiders kr?igen a languages. Only the night cut off the exchange of the opinions. Memories to the classical time emerged. The coat was tightened more closely. As toward this direction the nerves blunted. Carlyle with its age of the Heroenschaft. Narzissus, that is the holy one of the daily. All world seems in love with itself. And the municipality of the Cultus becomes still closer f?den. "you m?en immediately the Gro?erzogthum abandoned. They bring the Cholera in. ] I spread a Atmosph? of chlorine. They m?en to? after Gotha." I called and jumped out of the bed. Only out unserm country outside." Nothing different one remained?ig to order than a Einsp?er and to strike me immediately in's cure-hessian. The cure state, at that time not yet unfriendly against Berlin, had prescribed an only zehnt?ge Contumaz. Two days au?rhalb Berlin I had to only exhibit. The?igen eight mu?e I now see, how and where I brought her out. Wonderful November days, bitterly, but recreating and kr?ig animating. Little reminded all around of the season already before-walked. The hindrance was in st?iger motion. Because too unsern F?n were appropriate for Thalsenkungen with rushing M?w?ern, still?ig gr?n meadows, Wirthschaftsh?n lain lonely. For a long time the at that time so prosaical Dachperspective of the waiting castle still was in view. I saw the vermummten riders, who took Luthern in these mountains imprisoned along-blowing up. I saw the Wodanseiche f?en to Bonifazius. At shrubs and tree, at rock and river the juvenile Muth with its possession already achieved leaned. ] In the attraction of the new one also the heart spread out with its already heavy loads. Everything got as it were its specific weight, the true content, weighed out against a world, which one could not do still so far. The true world and its Gr? erdr?en the world of the four W?e. In unsern days the corrective effect of the Au?nwelt on approximately still existing juvenile idealism may be still more st?er. Because one flies from impressive Realit?zu Realit? F?mich gave it at that time a chain of small adventures. Kaulbach and Piloty h?en studies make k?en. In the morning str?e unfortunately a unerme?icher rain. Against noon (in places the Ra?orf) a farmer house with barn was reached, into which the Contumazverpflichteten became closed. Tobacco smoke, beer and Punschgeruch wallte against me. The threshing floor immediately with the entrance was with strews occupies f?die Handwerksbur, the drivers "verd?tigen" Vieh's, which was located in entlegnerer shut-off position. A side's building was a ger?iges house. There again already above others quarrelled sa?n in the only gr?rn area of the house and played maps under itself Poland. Kosciuszco songs were whistled sung, Skrynezki M?che, "still are Poland not lost" - erscholl?rall. The Germans schw?ten with the K?fern of Ostrolenka and the gebr?ten expressionful Charakterk?e [ 42, Reiselekt?. To the Gl? conquered I a chamber, those me alone to remain permitted. , Gourmand therein I found a true Wohlthat to Virtuose in the a settler life in these eight days. The words of a sinnigen Dichterin, is only probably you, ' I it in the life unz?igemal after-spoke. Still at that time the Cigarre f?einen more carefree view of the hour glass of Saturns existirte with me. Luring the nicotinischen herb was to be fr?ergangen at the Primaner. The remainder remained at that time - silence. Forty years could not?rwinden Schauder of the aftereffect. But the feather/spring was to the hand and some book carried forward in rapid selection from my already substantial library lay in the skin iron. A H?r of the Hagens and Karl of laughter man I was close to the article in first freshness of the Besch?igung thereby. Even the holy Sundays mornings, w?end me into the close Dreifaltigkeitskirche the Vortr? Schleiermachers h?en tighten [ 43, Grabbe's Napoleon. ] are to rothen - I had already for a long time the inclination to daf?verloren - were dedicated the K?fen and wei?n rose. I was a half actor, although I had confessed Schleiermachers pulpit and had held in the robe once a lecture. From Grabbe I already bought each again-published work as Primaner, without having of it the full satisfaction. In "Napoleon" emp?e me the franz?sche point of view. Equalization with M?ern as Cromwell, Karl the Gro?n, Hannibal. Monologe with st?iger Armverschr?ung such as boiling stone. I held Napoleon and hold him still f?das for product of the Umst?e. This tragic Glorie, which had arisen at that time with Heinrich Heine, was extended then by Franz of Gaudy, Zedlitz and, the f?liche threatening of a reawakening of of the "old guard" - which, which to it should be raised, did not ersch?erte me. Napoleon only the Corse, the Tyrann, that had stepped me Germany with F?n. Grabbe had eingef?t even the enthusiasm of the young freiwilligen of 1813 with mockery. It made a citizen of Berlin, who confounds me and me, w?end to the Tr?r of the German collection, its for Frenchman always les good, the L?n hei?n, the old invalids of Marengo and daring RAM, almost h?re natures. ] Battle vorzuf?en, where general Lobau commandirt here: "Schie?." and Bl?er dr?n answers: "also." - and the trivial takes such a thing admired still the juvenile sense f?genial. "soon the liberty hour will strike. Finally it struck also f?mich. Thurn and Taxis' cars f?te me in at that time in the aftereffects the July revolution yet did not calm down cure Hessen. The terrain all around was recently revolutionsber?t. Slowly the preu?sche customs union had begun itself to expand. Its pulsationen always further-seizing seemed to the Feindlichgesinnten an increasing cancer in the organism of Germany. Other begr?en it with rejoicing than messengers of the German agreement also in h?ren things. The individual states were only gradually won. The customs barriers, the new Steuerans?e, pursuits of smuggling excited the Unbotm?gkeit niedern of the people ever more. Darken M?te, and not blos democratic, church and political, sch?en. ] Environment without investigation walking to go could." the gefl?lten word became. "you do not k?en to Frankfurt. "you m?en twenty T? hawwe of Berlin. It hawwe nor erschtst ten. I do not know?r open brook. The Darmst?er requires aach twenty T?. I mu?e step out, my Gep? call in and further ten days from that beech of my life paint. Somewhere they were to be brought out, too vergr?ln, to vertr?en. To verbillardspielen it or not smoke geh?e to my passions. The s?tlichen cars with their, not from Berlin, mostly of Leipzig coming passengers rolled of it. I remained in dark night alone. All states had themselves against me swore. Finally I followed the old Spruche, da?sich the wiser one always zur?zieht. ] Turn into your vorurtheilsloses at that time completely preu?sch feeling cure Hessen to?. I thanked the man in the grey Zollw?termantel, which referred me to the Postillone zur?kehrenden with the Beichaisen. Already from that time the place remained for me a friendly werthe memory. The rainy weather changed to frost. They schm?en now the resting against the nursing center of Homburg. The first Wirthshausrechnung instructed me, da?meine cash a eight times repetition the same w?e did not bear. I took therefore a private dwelling and found these unterm to roof with a shoemaker, who was Brieftr?r at the same time. The Inspirirte knows nothing different one, than the gospel?r with angefeuerter tongue nevertheless talks itself l?. ] Chest its stress?", the Redebed?ni?das material of the cliche enrich to requirement stands. At that time first the calls began: Down with the Gelds?en. But this impulse on Theilung was only at the proletariat available more generally still read the people slogan: "F?ten to the country outside. Vorl?ig bound me the wild book, which had appeared alleged in Paris with Brunet, in truth with Julius Campe in Hamburg. Also the Offizin, which had printed it, the Altenburger yard letterpress printing, was everyone well-known. Wol a book made rare as much for pageant in Germany, as the first B?e of B?e's "letters from Paris". Even the Freim?igsten stutzten. Which pursues it humor. Everything happened to me in that to beech nat?ich, truth and exaggeration. Only the Philisterei could want to dismember the sunbeam, all saying accurately take, mathematically measured, no tariff too much, no too little. B?e's life I sp?r described. I own with it had been. Already as Primaner abonnirte myself I on first, h?st elegantly printed expenditure of its "collected writings". There I, a da?B?e Jew experienced actually was and Baruch hei?. One dares today's daily, if I confess, da?ich?r this discovery much was ungl?lich. Today one goes through more easily the revolutions of the education. The Jews took a half century ago only isolated at the Culturkampf of the German Theil. "Christian-Germanic" Judenha?brachte already the Burschenschaft with itself. On the school I had learned Jews to know as Verr?er and Angeber. A buckliges Ungeth?aus Poland, rachs?tig like Shylock, was gef?htet by all. Ever more resulted in [ 49, Heinrich K?g. ] I me the Bed?tigerwerden in the kundgeben of ungepr?er Instincte and Vorurtheile. Its wife had gone off it with death. Corpse findings had been expressed in Erw?ung in the sleep. The marriage was not in the That gl?liche and K?g had b? Enemies, in particular in catholic circles. Nat?ich l?e itself the accusation in nothing up. The terrible accusation also should have applied wol for the free-intimate Deputirten. In the Gegentheil, the strong out-standing stubborn cheek bones of its face verriethen z? Strength. More softly and more the flowers and stars turned appeared professor Zehner also entbotene to the meal, [ 50, Frankfurt/Main. Count Bentzel Bentzel-Sternau lived in the country. Finally the twentieth day broke on and with laughing sunshine. A lighter frost had the Chausseegr?n with d?en ice covers?rzogen. The Str?her and branches of countless Obstb?e gleamed in the sun of the hoar frost, which referred her. In Frankfurt one hardly noticed, da?der winter already had appeared. Mu?e it on the following day further go nevertheless and as did not lure not the names: The Bergstra? and Heidelberg. Cleanly turned and with sand even here and there covered of Frankfurt at that time still were by closed Thore eingefriedigten lanes. The churches had provided through crosswise?r the Nachbarstra?n pulled chains peace. But umschritt I the city, regarded me that at that time f?Besuch locked Goethe house and enjoyed the evening about the "political Zinngie?r" in the theatre. In the cream yard Thurn and Taxis' post office accepted the passengers to Stuttgart nummernweise. A Coup?atz was assigned to me. So did I know the better that Bergstra? ?rblicken, of which emperor Joseph is to have said: "here I am in Italy. Still some lonely brother studio sang itself tumbling home. In this magic picture I was domestic in my art. on the two-and-twentieth day after the departure from Berlin I also here in Stuttgart had finally concerned. Again, but now in going down the sun shone golden. It lit up gro? Shell, which forms of Stuttgart attractive situation. ?iche comparing with a "boiler" Pa? f?diese gently ascending H?n not. Still the city smelled after wine and Aepfelmost. Schiller is here more gegenw?iger us than in Weimar. We love ourselves nevertheless more in tyrannos raising young eagle, the Fl?tling to Mannheim, than sp?rn the Hofrath. The Cotta' Gesch? was like a mausoleum [ 52, Wolfgang Menzel. And Goethe, that likewise Cotta geh?e, lived still. Briefly, I entered Stuttgart, as one steps into a church. In the "waldhorn" not to descend in the "K?g of England" corresponded already to the romantic tendency of my Gem?s and my cash. Wolfgang Menzel, a geborner Schlesier, pale, magern, expected already for a long time, hie?den blond Berlin Ank?ling welcomely. Nature had equipped it with broad shoulders, kr?iger chest, dark hair. Its head h?e a catholic clergyman geh?n k?en. Its temper seemed to be the most violent the once expressed will unbeugsam. Rarely m?n been in a character just as Widerspr?e paired its, as at that time in this versatile writer, this the clay/tone indicating critic. Solemn seriousness drew it historical parallels between characters of the history or Zust?en of otherwise and now. The man, who blamed so much, had the "sense of admiration" without doubt about his Sch?l. It was the Gegentheil of the. It looked to D?er into the future, gl?ig stared it before the R?selhaften, Unentschleierten. The latter was unfortunately vorl?ig me gegen?r the case. ] some pointer f?die training of my feather/spring been. The rules, which Menzel gave, were only general ones. "I write as I think", said he. Nothing is deleted, nothing is still in addition-set there." Menzel had published "stretching verses", as Jean Paul called ungereimte poems. Each thought therein is accompanied of a picture. He said nevertheless: "pictures m?en me zuf?ig under the feather/spring come w?end the letter. The forced, the reader recognizes the looked for, at first sight." The direction, which did not become to hit degrees recommended, but gutgehei?n, could be here only - those the Satyre. And all this came from an opponent of the rationalism -. likewise once Tieck and the romantics had the tendencies of the Humanit? the people improving, which religi?n scoffed -. either it decided Aufkl?ng itself f?Voltaire or f?G?es. It contained things, which determined the pious publisher not let it appear. The youth has a true Strau?nmagen in mental things. Still the beginner did not place Pr?ng on?r the F?e of Eindr?en, which became him Theil. Menzel's Urtheile?r the persons were accepted, [ 54, the schw?schen poets. ] as verst?en it itself automatically. The emphasis of the "morning paper" poems became. The zuvorkommenheit of its behaviour went working nearly too far and mu?e embarrassingly. Who h? not?rgro? H?ichkeit f?den expression of an only geheuchelten sympathetic consideration. The Ma?osigkeit of the admiration of the MUSE sp?r of the so ungl?lichen poet did not feel anybody so mi?uthig as Menzel. The old [ 55, K?g William of W?emberg. and the collection wanted not to shift, but did not appear it in the n?sten year and acquired the S?er earned acknowledgment. Its pers?iches occurrence was modest, not this Verg?erung presupposing. W?embergs constitutionelles life should not zur?stehen, as the Patrioten hoped, behind that neighbouring bathing. With the decay of the conscience the verlotterte oberfl?liche work of the writer came. Only the liebensw?ige Procurator bulkhead seemed to it in true friendship connected. Another Pers?ichkeit of same effect, but of other character mixture, was the art (nachherige book -) of h?ler S. and again a third with absolute admiration accepting was Karl Seydelmann, the actor. The latter, Menzel's schlesischer compatriot, gained after outstanding roles, which this had played, even verses from it. My nature str?te itself against the Ueberma?der desire at the "Schleichh?lern", at the "celebration of the craftsmen" and the Berliniaden. ] I saw sp?r the pietistischen direction stepped out Liesching so remarkable with one nearly t?ich. Fr?r buyer, had fallirt the same and into Switzerland had gefl?tet themselves. With the remainder it, from Basel zur?gekehrt, began an art trade in Stuttgart, to which it a rare education bef?gte. Because mockery, Cynismus, Voltairianismus thoroughly controlled this t?ichen guest of the Menzel' house. Its it had combined children, some friends and acquaintance, with whom also the Erz?er associated, to a Cursus in the Franz?schlernen. It, which should have become once diplomat, was the language (certainly with s?eutschem Accent) gel?ig. with all gallischen deviations [ 58, pictures of the future. The "old Cotta" had appointed Schulz, in order to save the "Hesperus", whose preferredwise topic was the statistics, from threatening Untergange. The National?nomie, certainly still after Mac Culloch, Malthus, the Frenchman Say, became the science of the daily already at that time. It had still another Nebenbestimmung. It should, as sp?r in Bavaria under the F?ten Wallerstein, the inclination f?Politik unterdr?en and these in's Unsch?iche to divert. Verschw?ngen became even in the Milit?entdeckt." was the slogan vertheilte of Vienna toward all sides. Some saw what only seventeen years came sp?r, already at that time direct before the Thoren. Menzel was in this sense of political vision? Indications and faces, dream things of near and wol n?ster future floated it always forwards. Always that already Dagewesene should come back. And if it each dreispitz, that to the market of the T?nger rise herunter-[59, Karl Seydelmann. These were Jacobiner, that Girondisten. The end of the days a w?e general murders of humans among themselves its. To this circles it gave in the That Swedenborgianer, used the Schott' house, board and yard field in T?ngen. They had established printering for the spreading of the Swedenborgi writings "to the Guttenberg". Already spirit? Wine mountain prevented to laugh?r such enterprises. Completely aufgekl?e M?er was here in the apokalyptischen pictures of the old schw?schen Johann Albrecht rascal embarrassed. Informal Ankn?ungen was only vor?rgehend. Seydelmann's H?lichkeit was a ungl?liche. Never could too fr?Verheirathete well say f?die tendencies of his wife. It had a cause, those once Sch?ewesene to honour also at that time still stately ones to preserve and its Pflichtgef? came it from the in accordance with?. In Seydelmann's marriage gave it eternal diseased complaining to the Mrs.?r the concerns of the present and the future. There did one see Seydelmann tr? and sighing and itself only in its role study erkr?igend. The latter went already on sei-[60, a life maxim. Kapellmeister Lindpaintner worked on the musical added the first attempt of a representation gro?n of the poem on the B?e. otherwise controlled Raupach alone Stuttgart theatres. Thus s?tliche "high baptism" came again to Swabia. The Stuttgart Hofb?e was vollst?ig berlinisirt. Which did not bring Raupach, came from Blum or Angely. One gave "the Schleichh?ler", "criticism and anti-criticism", to "La? the Todten rests "and," Isidor and Olga "," Rafaele "," K?g Enzio "and Seydelmann's talent suffered under these Monotonie. It learned to bed?en the word too much, in order works to k?en. Also confusions at that time behind the Scene contributed to Seydelmann's detuning. I looked to bad lot into this whole world inside. I should learn the uncanny vortices the same to know only sp?r. Only one I foresaw the intelligent Seydelmann, a talent, me for the first time in the life occurred. As a shrunk from head hides the L?en of its education. Never, I considered it soon, appeared Seydelmann its compatriot Menzel, which admired him, in the Gespr? unebenb?ig. That was not such Polyhistor gegen?r little. Often important Capacit?n [ 61, lyric Anwandlungen stood. But so, when h?e it give the excursion k?en. In the M? 1832 came those customer, Goethe are todt. Immermann organized f?die d?eldorfer B?e a erinnerungsfeier, which was repeated on some other B?e. Everyone gave a tribute of the Huldigung. A Anla?zur excitement was required to the well-known opponent Goethe's. Everything looked on it and in such a way experienced I also occasionally the origin of its hate on Goethe. Freshly of the Universit?kommend, I brought reasonable knowledge and a chaos of unclear tendencies also. There searched everyone, which had only little time to replace it m?ichst. The Conversation in Stuttgart existed 1831 [ 62, Douche. At that time gieng Lenau, "the Mr. baron from Hungary", from one of these societies into the other one. Everyone competed, who could?rh?en it with gr?rem praise, with exaltirterer admiration. Only the enthusiasm applied, as geb?te itself, for its talent, then its poetic Heimath, last (read emergency leases) the "baron". One wanted another "Mr. baron", whom von Cotta cause baron, to print the collected poems of the Hungarian "Mr. of baron". An old fine Mr., this first classical Cotta. Sp?r, as I Metternich know learned, found I similarity between both. They were also intimate friends and said themselves t?ich and unfortunately all too for a long time in the "general newspaper". This old Mr., also Begr?er of the steam navigation on the Bodensee, operated the book trade as it were staatsm?isch. Perfectly knowing, da?die poet printed by it. All observed Wolfgang Menzel's the sharp Satyre, its aufhorchende Sp?raft, its always to the erg?lichsten glosses ready irony. Driving these schw?sch lyric Uhland Epigonen was it contrary. Nevertheless its polarizing mixer eagerness found nearly?rall in Swabia clique nature, Gevatter and Muhmen and Verwandtschaftskuppelei. But the Umst?e was too ung?tig. Once Gustav Schwab was the unumg?liche instance of f?jedes to ver?entlichende poem. Nearly f?die gesammte lyric poetry of the time, if this [ 63, the wanderer and the Winzerin. It had the way of the old Ramler, which filed and reworked it sent in poems. Gewi?ist this passion the poems Lenau's come from its first period to property. Now particularly too n?rn, evenly the R?sicht on Menzel forbade Schwab' circles me to me. Very much sp?gab it it me like something with an attendance forgetting to? with the hang-murmured words: "God, brings in nothing." And this utterance had much, if not everything, f?sich. Because my boss Redacteur paid me monthly 30 guldens content and - h?. - I lived on these 30 guldens - each midday meal cost 24 cruisers. By "poems" supplemente could do to the flat steel bars and in such a way resignirte themselves I at that time on lyric poetry as Specialit? although it me in booklets around a poem wrong?rgebenen at Menzel, that." The Winzerin stood somewhat h?r postirt, as the wanderer down in the Chausseegraben. The more stubbornly the sch?r the Maid answered: "that I want to say to you wol, you fool. Retort of the wanderers, containing the request for the correct Weg-[64, Menzel's Goetheha? Again the answer this time already takes place, but with beschr?terem Rayon in the pictorial surroundings. With this - not truely, wundersch?n - song am I with my career as a "poet of Profession" put remained. The simple woman came with a second man erheiratheten in the meantime, a Landwirth, which operated a prosperous cattle trade, to Stuttgart. "how much you your book has: "the German literature" registered." if my stepfather asked me, Menzel erz?te. There I earn more at each cattle market, where I buy and sell, at 100 oxen. "the origin of its well-known opposition against Goethe Menzel erz?te folgenderma?n: "I studirte in Jena. We students had the habit to drive and a stage performance attend?ers in gr?rer number to Weimar. With the "R?ern" we had even the privilege to along-sing in the choir from the Parterre. I had on this occasion of old Excellency Goethe never become ansichtig k?en. There it meets one evening, when we had Weimar come again to, da?wir in the theatre controversy got itself. W?end the words still and flown and the public non-party zuh?e, stretched itself a hagere, long Ge-[65, occupation choice." That was Goethe, Goethe in person, Goethe as a Minister of State. This affected wol the Weitern the passionate romantic f?seine polemik. It giebt in humans a double development, one after the side of the occupation, which?rhaupt andre after his world and view of life. This next to each other does not become us however bewu?, at least not in the youth. Which is won there now a K?tler, a poet, a critic, is at the same time humans, the character won that. Often it w?t for a long time, for a long time, until one finds oneself out as a character from the interests of its occupation. Such coming in the handicraft was strange to the Erz?er. It even if production had become now already question of survival, then it seized nevertheless internally its whole humans. It was like the application of angeborner organs. These organs were k?fende, attacking, repelling. At me f?te I the Proze?einer becoming new literature carry out themselves. In circles of these schw?schen poets the word, the picture, the adjective prevailed in first row. I saw a particular in the writing nature of a nation?r the Geb? step out. The gesammte literature should be set to the verse and became it sp?r in the That. Because provoke only the Dilettantismus and these makes itself soon its alto? and temples. All, which drive the same, which the Dilettant drives, are its Ausschlie?ichen, its classical authors. The Dilettant can show, read more da?er schw?ln and schw?sch, read out schw?sch can - it lives village history of the Black Forest. The Dilettant can show, talk more da?er flat-German and satisfy with flat-German reading out its vanity can - it lives everything that flat-German. Everywhere, where one can along-along-squat?r the tail of the horse, goes the fashion vorw?s in the gallopp. [ 67, "letters of a fool to a N?in". ] "the old Cotta" had expressed me however in zutraulichster way the request to the Theilnahme at its Bl?ern. Hermann Hauff led the deceased of brother William the morning paper briefly before instead of its. The well-meaning man took, which I offered him, sketches from the b?erlichen small life of Berlin, novellistische attempts. A jeanpaulisirende work, "letters of a fool to a N?in", I showed Menzel. I wanted to let a kind novella through-gleam by this exchange of letters, the Aufkl?ng, wor?r both Theile in's lunatic asylum geriethen. To the William Waiblinger - there they turned everything, recommendations, scholarships, Reisevorsch?e. There quite a Goethe should come out, to the mindesten for the second time Platen. Because it sent Elegieen from Sorrent, Episteln from Capri in's morning paper, things, itself in their way schulm?g anlie?n. William Hauff brought me a daily his "man in the moon". ?a Clauren in full serious ones so meant. Sch?n it itself not. Want you also that Berlin Postrath to copy. K?en you h?r do not fly. Correctly, Hauff obeyed the Rath and begr?ete its call with the "man in the moon"." To the Satyre on Jean Paul, who favourite of my heart, who ways, who was not prophet, in me anything ger?et. But "letters" had become mode at that time. "letters one [ 68, citizen of Berlin Geistesstr?ng. ] The deceased "-" letters of a living person "(of Friedrich F?ter) - there could be welcome wol also fool letters. I dealt with the suggestion. The axe was put thereby to the root of my first literary development. Hegel had recommended and completely these in the Styl of its Kategorieen. Its already again Nichtsein was in the same instant. "it has me best understood and nevertheless again misverstanden -." the saying of the deceased term Bosko had thus read. Gabler was a former education office colleague from its Bayreuth n?berger time. Still the "letters of a deceased" provoked the curiosity of the public, without satisfying these. Because one had believed, from the F?ten P?ler, the author, Pikanteres expects to d?en, as descriptions of the English people life. These letters were read, in order to look for between the lines something, allusions, Indiscretionen. Ever more became the curiosity and the scandal craze the only attraction means reading. Even the letters from the classical time preferably worked after this direction. Varnhagen began the Reigen with its Enth?ungen. Strange also the effect, the each Hereinragen of a F?tlichkeit was in [ 69, Christelnde Jew. ] Sph? for the art or literature made put, essentially thus on high honouring w?igen, the signature more unsrer best mental epoch a basic direction. Only by the battle of Jena finally Voltaire, were Lessing, even Goethe?rwunden. Now the time came a-turns, reversal, regret, le?. Also with that Berlin Jew?rwog conservative direction. In the kolossalen understood fund of the bankers increased created itself an clay-indicating, ever more making elegant Ghetto. The baptizing went into the Beamtencarri? ?r, or Christians, who dressed already h?re offices, heiratheten J?nnen, then baptize themselves lie?n. There?rall strongly "one gechristelt". Literary j?sche Berlin, that gegenw?ig, in the expiration of unsres century, by the mass inflow of ungebildeter elements from the keep-loosest provinces, z. A set of name lie? , those call themselves come out from this society. And f?alle the w?e special characteristic do not fit, which we w?en on mental Hochmuth and vornehmthuende isolation to indicate have. The Jews is innate sense of admiration. If they set this not f?Andre, for the Cultus of the genius, in Th?gkeit, then they use him f?ihre own person. But the Frivolit?war in this circles only imported article. Sapphire could not be called, hardly Heine. Completely just as been correct circles were also in Hamburg. I h?e only n?ig had, me or other admiringly anzuschlie?n. An acknowledgment of the poems of Heinrich stieglitz (Jew) or a Posse of Ludwig Robert (Jew) h?e me position provides. ] without finding it however at home. In hei?r summer time I might not have made the far distance to nearly the Halli Thore for the second time. Holtei was at that time slim and juvenile. As Vorleser in "English house" he experienced triumphs in his art of the reproduction. I learned Hamlet in its?ern effect fr?r by him, when by the B?e know. The world au?rhalb Preu?ns was not as quietly, as that Berlin "desire garden" the sour with its pappeln and the "old". In France the duchess of Berry tried a rebellion in the Vend? It lost dar?r the liberty one schlo?sie in the Schlo?zu Blaye. The republicans sought to fail by the June rebellion into of Paris the July revolution, as them according to its opinion h?e are to correct. That gave bloody Scenen and criminal courts. In Italy the Carbonari dared the most adventurous at Insurrektionen. In Portugal vollst?iger B?erkrieg threatened. Metternich held?r everyone of the small states, even?r for Preu?n, the iron hand. Everywhere the inclination was missing to want something else than Austria. In addition?rall a f?liches. Each meeting with an officer, with an official, with an old training and Universit?freunde hinterlie?schmerzliche tendencies. threw into medias res of their domestic interests. Some G?e took up sometimes the loud Aeu?rungen of the Antheils the same. The one was doctor Sobernheim, the Andre a doctor Kottenkamp. That one a physician, this Philologe. Both sa?n t?ich at the same time in the same place of the designated coffee house and schl?ten their Mokka, at that time without Cigarre. That one read the Temps or the journal of the D?ts (the "national" was forbidden), these the Times. Both operated, without knowing each other, the same Spezialit? They were to be known Concurrenten without it. They verfa?en theses f?medizinische graduate students. Sobernheim was an enthusiast f?den ber?ten Peter Frank, whose works he published. With skill it wrote latin, handhabte also with fate that. ] however only Censurgem?s?rwiegend reports?r the theatres, brought to which me to turn each inclination was missing to me. My reflecting applied only for the fight f?die ideas of the time and the this lived in Berlin still as well as nobody. The headings usually ber?ten Themata, which n?rten themselves the modern Gedankeng?en. They avoided the character of the landl?igen Belletristik. I visited this young author, whom I had gone off wu?e, more da?er one year fr?r than I the "Joachimsthal' High School". He lived in the M?stra?, the current Viktoriatheater gegen?r, an at that time grave-quiet, now for living before L? unertr?ichen area. Eigenth?ich a meckerndes laughter, which everyone its expressed S?e accompanied, st?e me. A closer federation was with the young Doktrin?nicht too schlie?n. It er?nete prospect of a support at Varnhagen of Ense appeared to it like the entrance into the vorhallen of the Elysiums. K?g William of W?emberg had gez?rt to auf's Aeu?rste to appoint the St?e of its K?greichs. ] Ernst M?h worked in the yard newspaper with him is suitable Cynismus against the directions and thoughts of the time. It helped itself however nothing, finally in the winter 1833 mu?e the K?g entschlie?n to meet the St?e around itself. Also Wolfgang Menzel f?einen the M?er held, on which count the opposition to k?en believed. House possession had it f?Schwaben nationalisirt. I w?te the legal Fakult?und h?e also with Zachari?Ro?irt, Morstadt. Morstadt was an amusing original. One said of him, it loved the glass. Because Denuncianten gave it enough and under the Collegen themselves. With markigen Z?n wu?e Morstadt with all that the Nichts-[75, Heidelberger Charakterk?e. The words of the marking were in each case suggested, murmured quietly or kept behind the Z?en. When I occupied its Colleg, for me Morstadt held immediately, as I evenly its in here. to its room, against and pointed to a title copper had stepped a Folianten." he said, as if I should know, with which he had evenly besch?igt himself. It required of some time, until I orientirte myself. Soon saw Paul Sarpi I, da?es around the Concil of Trient acted and the picture the author of the history of the same, presented. He said that not, but noted to me only the number to the auditory and spoke thereby slowly in intervals: "." Gl?licherweise was I historicalfit enough, in order to know, more da?er those [ 76, on own F?n. Ro?irt institutions and had elegant, weltm?ische manners, the f?junge lawyers from Northern Germany read pleasantly its mu?e. The m?ischen Junker could on no more suitable Criminalrechtslehrer sto?n. I found the man, who seemed to love and possess au?r the Honores of the Justinian also the Opes of the Galen, particularly forestalling against me and h?e also its lecture with plentiful profit too. ?r "nature right" I could not follow its lecture with special suggestion. Gewi?h?e it also better into the Leipziger world the jug and P?tz gepa?. , more da?der long d?e man seemed to him for the rejoicing of the students of his son erz?te, "that a heath money cost". Menzel had nevertheless taken with Creuzer's controversy with J. Vo?f?die symbolism a party, had a special Broch?: "Vo?und Creuzer" to appear leave and which happened. With [ 77, doctor and student. One kl?e me?r the k?en receipt in the old hitting a corner house, the geologist of Leonhard and the Peter church gegen?r, up. I did not have know k?en, da?ich in a franz?schen comedy was besch?igt. Its house f?junge M?er was vorl?ig there ge?net. Student traffic to search, could get to me any longer. North Germans Corpsbur, noble ones with r?n manners, shapes, impudently, how one does not know them now any longer?rwogen. It was not the meeting of that nut/mother, that had sworn to never give their child to a man, that [ 78, a Enth?ung. And I had my Oberlehrertr?e nevertheless given up - - -. you to know, how little sympathy the Swabia?rhaupt f?Fremde has. Also my Verh?ni?zur opposition, to circles of the "Hochw?ters", is only a loose. Board, which in England the parliament speeches studirte, to after-increase as it in the schw?schen dialect, is me l?erlich. But I mu?doch with them all, with Pfizer, bulkhead and the other one go. One r? back and forth on the author. Now says all, it m?e wol cheek home its, which the thing wrote. However do I stand with cheek home on good Fu? The former Minister of cheek home had taken as sp?rer Bundestag envoys his parting. In those "Divination" one saw the attempt of the new delegate to form an own Parthei. The author of these "Divination" is ich.]zuweisen and him on this occasion a political piedestal to give. Buchh?ler K?g in Hanau the h?e few elbow readily printed and even with 33 guldens honorirt. Hopefully, schlo?ich, w?e my praise do not harm the praising, which had risen surprised from the chair. "now one is ordered to believe, I h?e completely me the recommendation with you." I praised to be silent, he was silent and the thing gerieth into oblivion. The B?er, which I, to Heidelberg again zur?gekehrt, settled, was not only durchbl?ert, but really read. Because they served me for owner F?erung, since they angeh?en gr?entheils the scientific area. For the recovery from time to time a poem collection or a novel served, H. in the meantime increased the heating of the Gem?er in the political efforts. The w?embergische chamber carried out, what the Patrioten of it had expected. Briefly at expiration of the winter a f?licher rebellion attempt of students and land inhabitants broke out in Frankfurt (in the first April days 1833). The Zornschaalen of the Bundestag, "minutes", poured?r the nation with Repressivma?egeln of all art. Austria established in Mainz a eignes B?au for the monitoring of the spirit of the Rhine and Main areas. As I me for the continuation of my legal studies and to the Mitgenu?der of K?g Ludwig I. It lasted for a long time, until the inscription took place. ] the Isar, so k?tlerisch auszuschm?en had begun. "apology before the picture of the K?gs -." one f?te oneself as into the times that dock serum praying zur?versetzt with first Christian pursuits. "as the S?l is, as her Frankfurt one the doctor Wirth one f?Hambach gave." he asked a Spielwaarenh?ler before its Bude on the Frankfurt fair. The poems of the K?gs completely made the Urtheil stutzig. The psychological problem remained ungel?. Da?die music does not improve, was certain me already for a long time. Usually one has only Anma?ng and Gem?sleere. Also with Nero the word of the Ovidius did not apply in greyful way: Emollit of mores didicisse more fideliter artes. Only Hauff's "memoirs of the Satan", the much Gl? had made, prevented me to the Ausf?ung. A satanische irony appeared to me z. by the art to stuff V?l it them as second Sch?er had appeared. And stepped nevertheless [ 82, M?hner of friend circles. ] it mankind, after this had applaudirt, with F?n. That is the thatful distorted image of the K?tlers - the irony of the Satan. Also the poet, the one tragedy writes and even no Thr? vergie?, an irony Satans appeared to me. Untruth in the K?en and F?en besch?igte me even in dream shapes to the Ausf?ung of the plan encouraged. It was not this smaller one, than Mrs. Charlotte Birch Pfeiffer. Again a "irony of the Satan." Because Sophie Schr?r h?e the praise of my lecture gewi?gr?re consecration given. The praise of the author of "Hinko the free farmhand" frightened me more, than it took me to miracles. Meanwhile go? the woman mentioned, who developed only sp?r into their full talents, to the wohlthuendsten memories my m?hener youth lives. The Pandekten, which with professor Puchta go? will should, verleideten themselves me ever more. I have never understand k?en, we?alb on [ 83, M?hner life. ] the acquisition of this man f?einen chair in Berlin sp?r as much weight was put. ad oculos demonstration of the Rechtss?e to hold to say to their logical fundamental ideas plastic relief in such a way give, can bind unm?ich. In order to talk from Langr?en to - I visited also a lecture of Josef G?es. I wanted to have seen the "old persons of mountains" (that mountains of the Jakobiner) nevertheless also once. As a student I had geschw?t f?ihn. The rothe hair of the long hageren man called me its fr?ren study comrade Creuzer to?. The Conversation M?hens moved not blos in the guest-free house of the young Mrs. Birch Birch-Pfeiffer, but?rall around the occurrences of the theatre. At that time was "won" the same straight in Karl Theodor of K?ner a new director. The remainder of the Theilnahme at that time all kinds of Spuk, that absorbirte the M?rgesiedelte from Berlin to the Isar. For a while was even K?g Ludwig with the incalculable critic, [ 84, sapphire and its satellites. ] that today praised, which he blamed tomorrow, arm gone into arm. The profit, that it of this Wagni? of this effort, which is not whole z. the school of the Mi?eschicks it been, it sp?r to a t?tigen director in Mannheim and always zuverl?igen member castle and citizens of Berlin of the yard theatre for a ver-[85, August Lewald.]wendbaren, made. The peace, which came allm?g?r him, came from it. Something of the spirit Nathan's, which he played, defeated it. A Jerrmann spirit relatives nature was his compatriot and condition comrade August Lewald. Fanny Lewald's Oheim knew humans and things. To Paris he had gone along 1815 as an interpreter of the Russian troops, which pulled by its father city K?gsberg. To the trade zur?zukehren, did not behagte it not after that Paris lives. He became an actor, and there to him talent was missing, in order to achieve successes, made myself he with different theatres a position as secretion? As such he had gained experiences, which he used as a writer. Its Naturell mu?e pull it to this, not to B?e. Goethe suggested such nature such as Lewald in the Figurenreichthum his "William master". It is the Vielgesch?igkeit, the Geheimni?ucht of the other one. Sympathieen already moved catholic wife f?Weihrauch and Me?ew?er in M?hen, gen?t by Lewald's. Which shifted it today in enthusiasm, was tomorrow "trash". Only one always remained the same itself, the w?ende question [ 86, Mrs. Charlotte Birch Pfeiffer. If someone could be along-used to this enterprises, then Lewald's relationship with it was magnetically, warmly?rzeugt. However if the plan put on failed, then its st?ige foreign exchange brought: Everything is vain. Ern?terungen out, where the anf?liche admiration and friendship geriethen soon into the Br?e. Charlotte Birch Pfeiffer had more from the m?hnerischen nature, than of the schw?schen, although she was born in Stuttgart. On Sch?eit it could have made Anspr?e to no time. But their majest?sche figure imponirte. Nevertheless could it f?en itself requested, itself fr? to dare to heroische roles in St?en, which are forgotten now. The nobler Repertoir, a Iphigenie, a Medea, did not defeat it. Singing ones s?eutsche manner of speaking, sanding the END and Anfangsvocale of the words did not get along with Schiller and Goethe. It wanted to have been attachirt at a d?schen legation somewhere. Their existence was on a comfortable Fu?eingerichtet. Not only, you had da?sie children unfortunately nearly all [ 87, your H?lichkeit. This theilte it the materials also, which seemed to her stretching and dramatically. In the meantime their husband read the memoirs of Richelieu, S?y, cardinal Retz and, whereby f?die thus around material never Verlegene St?e of historical basis became m?ich. F?die B?enwelt is?rsetzt the sp?re "Lorle" the old Pfefferr?l, only into the schw?lnden mode clay/tone. "Hinko" after Storch's "free farmhand" should follow. It erkl?e to aim at H?res. An individual act from a material, which concerned Karl the Gro?n, appeared to its husband w?ig, Tasso anzureihen itself. I l?elte that, more mu?aber nevertheless reasonablly liebenswerth remained its the woman sch?ete me their heart out. This blamed it just as much as Darstellerin as as an authoress and made themselves the Ueberflu?auch still the Spa? that. Birch, or [ 88, M?hner B?enzust?e. ] like it the splendid, only somewhat boring man called, ". Harmlessly "to pull into the enclosure of its often cynischen jokes. All in all I found a "Ungl?liche" in my new friend, which did not state to be at its place. In the meantime "Nero" had stepped from Lewald as vollst?ig b?enunm?ich verurtheilt and into the background. At that time there were Chinese and Arab novels enough, which were?rsetzt from the English. Karl Spindler had not seized yet the Lesebed?ni?allein. Still there was a formed municipality, which kept the newest of Tieck and Steffens f?unumg?lich to have read. The desire at the theatre h?e E?air's hero shape, Vespermann's fine characteristic n?en are. But the nimbus of these Sph seemed to me? in M?hen still tr?r, as in Stuttgart. Soon an actor a role of erschlichen had itself, [ 89, an original. ] it geb?te. soon again another was not arrested because of debts. One called the actresses and S?erinnen rarely without its treads. The names of the princes, the K?gs ran with the Boudoirgeheimnissen of the Theatersch?n parallel. On the other hand in addition, no yard has as much inclination to go its exclusive position. I held this f?die using up of a landguts." The finite arrival of the again-destined K?ner ennobled by a medal was completely deterring. The MUSE service has strange priests latitare in tabernis found in M?hens to at that time urw?sigen, only restaurants comfortable application illuminated by sp?ichen oil lamps. Schottky's involuntary Komik accompanied us among other things with a ereigni?eichen Ausfluge in's mountains. We had several game parks, which surround M?hen, and against noon the far mirror of the Starnberger of lake behind us. Only one lady was our companion, Mrs. Lewald, but it gen?e to electrisiren the Schottky fallen in love eternally. Schottky was unersch?lich in anecdotes, which Lewald requested then to further elaboration. Antheil at the fee was gew?t. Immerfort was Schottky's schreibtafel in motion, in order to note everyone only einigerma?n legibly set word, which had escaped one of us. However did it correspondirte f?einige Bl?er in St?en, the close at the Fu? the Karpathen lay. Behind star mountain however the amusing man condition took a?e idiom. It had talked, da?wir because of him in a Dorfe holds so much in disorder mu?en. He recovered allm?g from a half faint and we dared driving to continue. In the night we arrived in the bath Sulz at the Pei?nberge and before we provided ourselves its, our professor had disappeared. The waiter brought us property a night of him and announced themselves, he h?e already in's bed put. That was a unwillkommenes Hinderni?unserer journey. However even if the sun laughed w?e, h?en we nevertheless remain m?en. [ 91, the Antiquarius. ] because our good Julius max had itself from his colic or which it was, yet does not recover. We knocked on its Th? it did not give an answer. We called: Everything remained quiet. A farm servant hurried here and meant us, the gentleman inside was not to be spoken before nine o'clock. Thus it had nevertheless already given audience to the female sex. There st?ten we r?sichtslos its room. Schottky really still lay in bed. But it was appropriate already gestiefelt and spurred, in its gr?n for upper skirt, with its long collar, which it?'anglaise to an's ear aufzukrempen loved, the freshest hochgesteiften Vaterm?er zierten its pale cheeks. Its sharp eyes pursued each of our movements. That were the components of its k?tigen works. The sun theilte the?ige Gr?um us ago into bright and dark Partieen. Schottky stepped pl?lich laughing among us. ] Sunbeams, in order to dry the damp grass of the mountain. Schottky seized a recent calibration trunk and preceded with liveliest mood. Who is to believe h?e, more da?er still one hour ago of the H?e of the physician to ben?igen seemed. Finally we had reached the summit, the lonely church, the training and parsonage building. We turned Schottky's "old of friends" with the minister, in. Our professor was in his element." the schulmeister: "which makes it in free singing studirender son. The upper summit of the mountain is eingerandet by a stone barrier, which gew?t before j?n the crash of the mountain protection. A steep gr? Even one puts closely on under the stone barrier and is enough several hundred Fu?in the depth. It was completely the K?g of the Pei?nberges and the boy a knight or a knappe. F?sechs cruiser it had the romance probably. The boy brought the branch. The K?g put it on his hat and oath, it for madame Lewald to consecrations. After we the mountain descended, was Schottky the evening?r brilliant fires. Only one its characteristic Thorheiten was not able it to leave. Dar?r remained w?end its life darkness. ] somewhat too thun, which was never discovered. Probably it arranged its Perr?e. It was a fluffy, sunny Fr?orgen, when we zufuhren Sulz verlie?n and the direction of the mountains. Wei?n the Schneeh?ter strained itself k? into blue mountain air. Long Schw?e of M?ern, women, children moved along murmuring, the priest with the flag at the point?r the dirt roads. It was the previous evening to the Ascension Day, the municipalities wallfahrteten after holy places, many after bunting gau, the ber?ten holy factory. Schottky was aufgeheitert richly at anecdotes and, da?es in Murnau appeared the more remarkable in such a way to see it pl?lich again detuned. Schottky f?te the Bed?ni?eines of smooth chin and the female Figaro began to in-soap it. We found this woman too quaint, over not?r the picture: Schottky under the H?en of a Barbi?. Schottky asked itself our presence. He did not want to see the amusing to the situation urgirt, not vergegenst?licht. Our remarks forced it to the laughter and it shrank from the sharp knife. Nontheless gerieth the Barbi? in confusion?rsah a small H?l on Schottky's oberlippe, an imprudent cut, and the Ungl? had happened. In the That st?te it leichenbla?auf the St? Mirror, which hung without frameworks on the window. The blood was soon satisfied, not so fast its anger. Dealing with its Wuth, I did not ask him whether Murnau was not ber?t by an emperor, who has here used. - however, cried he, that house dr?n, which you see, has Ludwig the Bavarian inhabited. The Gebirgswonne?rmannte us all. F?Julius max came still the?rraschende meeting with a k?glichen Gest?hinzu. Which opportunity to an article in a Bavarian province sheet: The k?gliche Gest?bei Murnau. Like much horses stand here, my friend. The man called some hundreds. Schottky rapidly with the schreibtafel out. - no, no, my wohlgeborner friend, that is I means you, quaint you, like hei?n you nevertheless. But not related to the Kriegsrath M?ler in Berlin. But you have children, good friend. - three, boys and two M?hen. - is two M?hen. that all-loved, gr?n you nevertheless the small ladies of me. I am a professor Schottky from M?hen. As much ready are here. As the Consum at straw gro?ist. The last questions followed after l?eren tracing. In this kind Schottky on its migrations skies spread fully Gl?, it nothing cost. All its gifts strewed it in rich mA? out. were only words, which it gave, but the bezauberndsten. When mounting the Kochelberges f?Schottky a long inscription at the way, which besch?igte in such a way it, was [ 95, traffic with the people. ] as only Lepsius could be bound by an inscription at the pyramids. Up to the summit of the mountain it wrote the inscription in's pure ones, which referred to the way improvement. Frightened it raffte on completely lay itself the d?ere melancholische Wallersee before us. Also this formed a Parthie of its Collectaneen under the column "Ungl?sf?e". Schottky erz?te us, as much m?hner painter in those waves already darken their grave found h?en. Thus Ernst struck again in's amusing ones to?. Schottky tr?erte, when we drove then?r the lake, it wanted finstern the M?ten to defy, but pl?lich he drove zornig. The Gro?utter comes up still occasionally. Gr? It nevertheless, everything, your wife, your Schw?rin, your Gro?utter. My friend, my w?igster friend -. - - the same apostrophes, thus da?von our side the Parodie not to always be missing knew. Now however the thunderstorm broke loose. I wei? how does one these simple people treat mu? it is not for the first time, da?ich in's mountains comes. I study the customs of these people, I SAM LCL of volkslieder and characteristic Z?. Since mu?man on the stage of these humans place themselves and speak of their affairs, as of the unsrigen. - O, you are also one - it played the trump card then me [ 96, its shade sides. ] off, because I laughed - I wei?es, da?Sie all behind my R?en Kabalen schmieden. To the devil with Euern thoughtless Schnurren. With these words of scho?der Erz?te like a rocket ahead. Only at the house, where we wanted to take a night camp, we caught up it again. But f?heute no more getting along was with it. Schottky did not separate from its schreibtafel. It notirte the names of the farmer and the names of all of its children. Also the following morning more lie?er itself in its research not st?n. The sky dressed fixedblue into the sch?te. Over the mountains away the last Nachz?er of the n?tlichen thunderstorm showers disappeared. Nature athmete in fluffy refreshing. This accumulating was a feature, which elektrisirte Schottky. It sharpened the pencil and asked, how old Kathi's was?ester brother. How much K? Heidegger on the Alm has. Who now the richest one is probably in the Jachenau. Whether they confidence to their K?ge h?en. Who shot of them already most Auerh?e h?e. All these things noted exactly briefly it. One will have it in the deceased Nachla?gefunden it was its intention of offering the German people these memo healings. But Schottky and those t?chte themselves it will testify, which investigated sp?r village-historical, these humans lie?n to out-ask oneself reluctantly. But they wanted to give themselves not contently and required the paper to?, the Schottky had described. "I SAM LCL", said he, "materials to works: Over the church painting of the mountains ". No inscription at a Giebeldache remained unaufgenommen, no Reim found it, which it a poetic side not gained h?e. Which by a lead feather/spring lie show themselves? mu?e into its portfolio. Ring countless fields of flowers of Vergi?einnicht and Stiefm?erchen. The Rinderheerden in comfortable peace, geh?t from a bull sorgf?ig which can be avoided, that when each opening a Thors [ 98, Heimw?s. ] the Abpferchungen the Ank?linge unwirsch begr?e. We gave in into the stromgebiet gr?n of the Isar, an area however the Verw?ung. But the pittroreske environment remained. But pl?lich a cold course wind adjusted itself. As by charms the sun disappeared behind threatening rain clouds. The land inhabitants with their langsch?gen, zeisiggr?n Oberr?en hurried us from the churches against. Give, in we fl?teten myself, f?te myself with young athletic Gebirgss?en. They h?en probably gew?cht, the Pope h?e them f?die today's Ascension Day Tanzindulgenz lent. Lightning and thunder answered in vain, only. Schottky can gerathen into the Str?ng and after M?hen arrive, it wei?nicht how. There something f?t of the Br?e. The Wirth brings us the ordered lamb quarter. Despair-fully we set to the table we loved ourselves Schottky, were however hungry. , it when its note taking up had versp?t themselves and squatted somewhere, the poorest one was certain, perhaps under rock. It darkened, the mountain city T? the mu?e abendliche goal of our journey become. ] Gaudium, visits, but Schottky did not appear. In M?hen a long time elapsed, before of our losses became somewhat visible. There it travelled and pl?lich should it - have died. The message went through all Bl?er. But it did not best?gte itself. Still more?er the uncanny man of the s?ichen France and from the Geneva lake was called. Unfortunately - as a gef?hteter Berauber of the libraries and copper pass collections. One warned it of him and is unm?ich, in the Gef?ni?gestorben is not more da?er. My work?r that Erdgebornen, which taught itself to d?en God scolding, was finished. Both began their Th?gkeit with eagerness, with a devotion to each only possibly entitled condition of their H?e, which were to be called exemplary. They?rnahmen immediately the publishing house. ] say: I want to be third in your federation. But I do not have money. If you want to borrow mir's, then I show it you in two to three months. The bright Dukaten, which was gez?t immediately on the table, came from the Leipziger fair. The partings were taken on imminent remeeting. The heaviest of Mrs. Charlotte. But also this placed a close seeing again in Leipzig and Berlin in prospect. The young friends gave the escort up to the post office yard. To rights the Bavarian high alps to win from which we, in order the gr?re Natureindr?e only departed. The dark geheimni?olle Untersberg cut itself out from a blue Theile of the unequally colorirten horizon majest?sch. Further rain clouds on the Berchtesgadener Felsenh?tern stored. Only the Wazmann's enormous double head enth?te itself from the sun-bright smoke hazes. ] and unabl?ig, precariously f?seinen occupation on the Leipziger fair, one baptized. Us to favours the last rain weather had improvisirt even in the park a special Merkw?igkeit, a "landslip". Giant-cling rock th?ten themselves were inhabited one on the other and nevertheless these, and in H?en not only, but in D?ern, Schl?ern, Kl?ern. The painted or gemei?lten Madonnas at the H?ern were covered of Reblaub, mature grapes/clusters signed enticing. Gl?liches, sch?s country, why you have your M?er so into the breed of the women and given - -. writers censurgeknechtete nevertheless, how we were, we threw pfaffen with political observations and historical memories of degrees not too much around us. Only on Salzburg Veste, where a regiment Poland stood, summerhouse could not deny its favourite hero Kosciusko. It had wanted it to be first dramatic Deb?widmen. Whether it wol its St? assumed as Hofburgtheaterdirector h?e. The burner was zur?gelegt, the wild Eisak raved to the side. Finally athmeten we s?iche air." The star east was f?diese Seelen-[102, Lago di Garda. Nat?ich accompanied us always for one year only the blessed-become Goethe. With the Bleid?ern of Venice (the otherwise geh?e Gardasee of the old San Marco republic) was however not too spa?n. The sight still in n?tlichem darkness resting of the See's of the balcony of the Albergo already was in Riva bezaubernd. "I wrote the lime tree, quiet night", at that time, "lured on the balcony." broke in even if I, "the debts, which I had, me mythe is now vollst?ig. We were in the tendency to doubt everything. In Malcesini we will step out and rattled dust-covered with a Vetturin after Verona. Everywhere we had Austria around us, the Hungarian, slavische, less German Austria. At the black board of the Universit?von Padua we read the names of 300 students, who were relegirt because of political activities. "where is L? the San Marco." I wrote at that time?r the arrival in Venice. "where are the open throats, in which inside one could out-slander the B?er and from the city. Where are the three S?en, which celebrate the memory of old wonderful victories?r the Ungl?igen. Into Triest we separated completely, in order to only regain us in Vienna. Our tendency remained ungest against each other?. Everyone had f?seine peculiarity an arrester on the star east. The editor of the "newspaper f?die elegant world" got pl?lich hurry. Its deputy, Gustav Schlesier, had Anwandlungen, to out-turn fr?r the Friedrich Gentz before Varnhagen woke it and perhaps [ 104, seeing again. Journalistic moving could bring a sheet to belletristischer tendency like a seifenblase um's lives. Reports from B?en had been taken up, which could restrain our travel route after Laube's opinion. The passage after Triest took place to ship and w?te a full night. The sea was tr?erisch calm. The waves umspielten the steamer to erz?en as w?en it only from peace and love to. One could stretch oneself on the verdeck and wait for the sleep. Only the star east wanted the travel do not get a lighter Zephyr to it the M?e had taken. Now he could present a Ank?ling of Konstantinopel a thread of long T?ern equal a turban the mu?e robbery to replace. From Triest it should go meinerseits zun?st only to Graz. Its Baryton mu?e therefore at strength won. In the theoretical one it looked for its master equivalent at first under the gew?lichen Anf?ern. The pictorial Graz was finally reached after various Wirthshausabenteuern, in loaf oh after meeting with Seilt?ern, kunstreitern, Italian S?erinnen. An Italian S?erin and its nut/mother had accepted my bons of offices, them a suitable accommodation whether in the "ox" or the "goose" or the "Ro? to provide from Graz to. It had become evening and the h?ste time, means friend in the theatre to visit, still before the curtain was drawn up. As much I already saw behind the Scene, on which I me without [ 105, behind the Coulissen. ] much announcing had dared, da?der Seneschall my B?er was not. To first-paint in the life saw I such driving behind the Coulissen and mu?gestehen, it misfiel me in high of degrees. Johann of Paris was the ber?te game. All dr?te itself, which S?er, which was breitschultrig only small, but from shape, too h?n. F?seine being correct situation, which came far rather the Baryton close, as the high A of the tenor, pa?e Johann of Paris not particularly. The Director, armed with a stick, created peace and ensured f?ein spalier, in order to let the sweating S?er through with their Abg?en. From this, da?es also for a long time lasted, to my inquiry was understood, recognized I, da?meines B?er's position in the Repertoir no outstanding already was. It resulted in last, the poorest one lay itself ill in the Lazareth. called I the sad shape against. This was it, evenly as healed dismisses. I found the dear friend in the vollst?igen break with its neugew?ten occupation. The B?e had lost f?ihn the attraction. Its voice could not bring it gr?rn successes. Thus he saw only the M?ichkeit to maintain ground by subordinated roles under what its ambition suffered. After I had led still the varying and tumbling into its dwelling, we celebrated gl?liche hours. Burgunder is refreshing all gene ends. ] The vine of C? d'or l? new blood by the veins roll. Them were to find in sch?n the Graz and in such a way l?en themselves the tongues. The most important of its roles had been that glei?erische Daniel Capuzzi in the favourite opera of the daily "Zampa". I had seen representing this Tart?e of the Abruzzen from an actor and a S?er cunning in Stuttgart masterful. Several days went in the exchange of everything since that time experienced and k?tig aimed at. The friend was decided, to Germany zur?zukehren, again the Universit?Halle to visit and again the rights studiren. It ausgef?t it fairly and is as judge and eager Musikbef?erer of closer circle in a city at the western Fu? the resin died. In Vienna I found the Gef?ten in the full vortex of the ph?ischen life, already hurried ahead. Grillparzer made a quite malcontenten impression. Grillparzer had just become Archivdirector and already as such not without "?liche" provoking of its. The line of the castle theatre lay in the H?en of a Selbstproducirenden, the author of "Hans Sachs" and "Garrick in Bristol", your hard stone. The cheerful element mu?e in its system lie. "Garrick in Bristol" offered L to the ber?ten Ludwig? Opportunity, an effective lining role durchzuf?en. We wu?en it already, the forestall, more zuthunlicher an acquaintance made in Austria were, the more had one a cause on the hat to be. In Prague it applied to still double the caution. From which itself alone erkl?n l?, da??r the Censursklaven Wachsmuth's pl?lich bleach fear and a frightening came." answered with proud refusal: "work excusing you, my Fr?ein. I suspect, I suspect something." Our Conversation was certainly for weeks only one Censurwidrigkeit. The star east was not a personificirtes "still is Poland lost". The theatre notice note brought the charm names that time - to Schr?r Devrient. Me resisted the Complimente, which I h?e make m?en. Also did not f?te I a frack with me. At that time the eigenth?iche man of a rarely occurring sanguinisch melancholischen Complexion had the position of a k?glichen archivist. ] an Atlas of synchronousistic boards, whose pressure production its Verm?n absorbirte. R?igkeit, mobility, practical Muth, Phantasterei before and pl?liche Blasirtheit and Ern?terung. The synchronousistic boards were for Vehse the ausschlie?iche demand of the time. All three stand it under that for Einflu?s?si Culturbedingungen. With fire and enthusiasm hang-give, free-intimately, held he R?i at that time to the historical life? (history of Poland and the accession Katharina's II.) f?den gr?en historians, ever lived. A Citat, a comparing from R?i? it had at each time with the hand, like from the Tacitus. Au?rdem besch?igte it its historical Atlas. This to love it begr?ete with its brother-in-law its own bookshop. When letztre bad Gesch?e made, gerieth the freeintimate, the republican - into the pietistische Sektirerei of the minister Stephan. The employment at archives was given up. He emigrated with the dazzled Anh?ern of the religious Gro?Kophta to America. Berlin became meinerseits by a detour by the Lausitz, by the sand sea of the Spreewaldes?r Frankfurt at the or [ 110, in the sand. Da?sich of the post office cars in the ways, which appeared only wagenspuren in the sand, got along, took me to miracle. In a St?chen, which already emerged finally in friendlier area, the Gr?berger Weingel?en close, forests, me a brother lived. I was again in the "spell of Mekka's Thoren. To each house me a thought of the memory kn?te itself usually tr?r kind. As the things lay and the persons stood unver?ert, was to a Erhe>
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