Thursday, March 06, 2008

Listen kc and jojo all my life

As it changes Avril Lavigne. chissenefrega…. who cares. and l’.invasione of the sugar POP for mocciosetti was to the historical maximums. Invasato L’.orecchio of the teenager, all’.epoca, was excessive oriented to the synth and the dancemusic from club fighetti and urgerva to more bring back the musical panorama towards un’.atmosfera from, than, after to have gained some concorsino canoro and inaugurations of bookcases, butcher shops, tabaccherie and centers are exhibited to borings trade them in kind (ehi, watch that l’.hanno made all before becoming famous, succeeded to put in evidence in the world of music thanks to a remarkable build-up that defunct portale was involved also l’.ormai, and to the diamond idea of its producers to join some schitarrata, dedicated to a public of teenager of plastic, but that it was felt very full of ideals. The songs of Avril scaled the classifiche quickly. Its first album, a product indeed (ah then you admit it that you it is piaciuto, eh boorish sold beyond fifteen million copies. The diciottenne Canadian it became a true one and own icona for formations of children tatua you, piercingati (cos’.è is roba, one new word that six invented to you stanotte. (but who you creeds of being, the prince of the stereotypes. if compared to the previous one, the star of Avril began to dim itself: she sold the half of copies and the blond woman rockettara began to think that perhaps it was better to make some change. Flat Pian disappeared from the circulation. Today l’.immagine of trasgressiva rocker is remarkablly faded, leaving space more and more to that one of girl nicely all house, church and Avril put its musical career in artistic stand-by, and, hardly ventenne, spouse with a man who could be its grandfather, tries to make succeeding l’.attrice with insufficient, makes itself to immortalare, glamour more than ever, on and says that if and when will return to music, it makes it with something completely various. He knows himself that the wedding makes to become many good girls, always says also my blond padroncina to it. If the situated gggioventù modern punk evolve and hour can interest you deep like: Forum anti Avril and Hilary Duff. I could go ahead all’.infinito, but already they are spanciato from the risate ones to this point. I me l’.aspetto like guest star of “.Settimo cielo”. Then its performance e’. be made to reach who of must and the rest e’. storia…. you have never seen com’.era dressed the day of its wedding. I have noticed that you have one not little veiled admiration for paris hilton. @Ale: I hope that at least Paris l’.abbia defendant however to me piacciono a po’. tutte…. from Britney to Paris, Lindsay to Avril…. @carlino: yours link they are most wonderful. @alnz: it astonishes your preparation to me sull’.argomento…. @chissene I and you would go d’.accordo second me very. Obviously it was expectable that its “.aura”. punk-rock was constructed, as well as in order to make it to emerge like alternative model to Britney and socie…. It will be that I associate the songs of Avril at a particular moment of my life and therefore I stretch to defend it a po’. before I was classika the daughter of papà I was inglobata in my room in my bell of vetro.nn I exited if nn combed very well, if nn I had l’.ultimo gioiellino of gucci or about armani.ero a sekkia to school and nn I spoke kn the estranei.insomma I were the papà daughter classika barbie able girl.stronza until all’.ultimo striking sl xl’.ultima skirt of chanel in the negosto full of empty people within. I have felt its musika read its interviews. I have uncovered ke c’.è un’.altro world all’.infuori of the store fikissimo. hour avril has disappointed to me on serio.e the hour is all qll ke she snobbava.mi kiedo will be transformed in the new paris hilton.magari making qlk video porno. according to album he was indeed poor. @giulix: better late that never I do not see why you must denigrate one that has given a hand to you, and also have even unloaded the cd from the p2p. @phrexo: but xkè it must be all accredited. to me music alternatives nn appeals to but nn it is this the punto…. the point is ke c must be variety x scegliere.dv is grate to the avril ke era.((xk has kapito it ke was all deciding to small table. dv ringraziare STEPHEN MEDD(il its producer) xaver devised qst type of person ke has rendered possible to change me. if to avril stephen diceva:tu dv being pop.lei he would have detto=ODIO the PUNK I LOVE BRITNEY SPEARS, I SN a RAGZZA I EXIT KN PARIS HILTON(qll ke I have said to make hour to them). Avril Lavigne is born to Belleville, in the state of Ontario, in Canada, the 27 september 1984. A compound of country and gospel that it will form it and will make them to move the first steps on one road already covered from many other celebrities before she. Avril since the elementary schools came taken of sight from the phenomenon of the bullismo.)(avete noticed how much is annoying the persons who continue to open parenthesis nest however to me piaciono a lot fighette snob the daughters of papà all dressed Gucci and Armani…. @Licoreo, the next time uses the quadrants and the graffe…. I would dare to perhaps say ke a six PANINARA. if six in degrees dimmi that sense has one music of genere…. the force. and dirmi ke it is not for divertimento ke I crack to you sa’., would be the usual answer ebete for ki does not have nothing from dire…. MUSIC is ART and L’.ARTE DOES NOT AMUSE GETS PASSIONATE beats again I, beats again I, beats again I, beats again I {adores to beat again when interrogated} beyond I do not go here beyond the parentheses, makes one hierarchical structure: {I do not see as you have the courage to declare “.L' ART YOU DO NOT AMUSE YOU GET PASSIONATE. [ and if those that you gets passionate did not get passionate me that cos’.è a shape d’.arte to 50%. [ and above all, what succeeds if L’.ARTE beyond to appasionarti you had accidentally to amuse (and you say to me ”. but I meant ke the L’.ARTE I must get passionate, sure ke I make me also to amuse) {music tunz tunz personally to me I do not appeal to, however me it does not seem cosi scandalous who is people to which he appeals to [ if you want to make L’.ARTE avoids to use phrases like “.vere delights culturali”. ] [ to me it seems that you have pure it envies that others that think it various from you have succeeded, a po of self-criticism, is the public who decides. [ the moral is: if it does not appeal to to you to wash to you you make the metallaro but not to crack the balls if to the others priace the shampoo of gaber (however the true difference could be l’.aguilera nell’.opzione “.dentro “.) ]. You know that perhaps what for normal me e’. the e’. for next time I do not put alone l’.indirizzo anke xk me sn rendered account after ke treasure had come enormeee. kmq I nn sn one pikkola adolescent avril nn it never has been perhaps will have been amused to interpret qll part qnd said I hatred to dress all to me fighetta, sputava on britney spears and paris hilton. SURE ALL QST is POSSIBLE SL IF SIX BE the SMALL DOLL Of YOUR MENAGER.AVRIL ARTISTIKAMENTE NN are a PERSON are a PRODOTTO.AVRà ANKE a BEAUTIFUL VOCE((e anke on qst c’.è ridire but lasciamo NN xxdere))SARà PRETTY BUT are PUNK, NN IT NEVER HAS BEEN and IT It will never be. @Licoreo: after that you have name “.lo shampo of Gaber”. I am associated to alnz…. Licoreo for president. nun ce you make yourself them senti’. you corcamo…. you sderenamo…. “.ero the papà daughter classika barbie last girl.stronza until the able one striking sl xl' last skirt of chanel in the negosto full of empty people within. I have felt its musika read its interviews for chissene: but we want to speak of about my hierarchical system parentesi.ho trpp wants to write and haste x rileggere qnd. watches ke to be a barbie girl and to pass punk is acceptable xk I has uncovered after to be punk. but to pass from punk to barbie girl is impossible. if km it said she was punk within nn changed fidati.e thanks all’.esser punk and nn +figlia of papà I amuse myself di+. nn was she qll ke said all qll kose. AVRIL is the BEST one BEYOND To GREEEEEEN DAAAAAAAY “.ma passing from punk to barbie girl is impossible here qual’.era the logical thing that escaped to me, licoreo CIAI TOO MUCH REASON kmq nn I know if you take xil culo or you say = P seriously to me @phrexo: thanks x “.paninara”., the nobody had never found a nickname, hour to me of it has one while begins to collect deep for the stele of Licoreo, that it has said much best and a lot + d what I would have intentional to say however paninaro is a nickname ke has all diskomano-employee, anke in the all nicknames is equal manko in that one distinguishes automatons however alnz, I do not know what dire…. to part the licoreo for president ke does not go to me giù…. I must only say granzie to you for your presence, perkè a six large one and perkè in absolute the citation to NIRVANA renders yours in absolute beautiful + like commento…. however I, has not affato need to feel to me to say it alnz, enough the fact to know to me is it, to rasserenarmi the days, for how many dark they can essere…. yesterday was watching mtv ROCK HONORS, with honors to: QUEEN, JUDAS PRIEST, DEF LEPPARD And KISS. and ke I know some, I answer myself, it is impossible, and hour licoreo beloved you come to dirmi ke can truly make it with a pair of skreach skreach on the plate from part of dj and you sputum in faccia…. “.kmq licoreo nn I know if you take xil culo or you say = P seriously to me ”. but I say were necessary to put the tette in extension. nn to read my participations if you want sl critikare. kmq to them I introduce you the children of the rock, the wild girl. nn found ke in qst has the same HYPOCRITICAL look oka bastard of paris hilton. PERHAPS AND EKKO The PHOTO Of AVRIL.MA NEW AMIKE SHE NN WAS QLL KE SAID KE ATTENDED SL The PUNKETTONE FOUND TYPE KELLY OSBOURNE.BAH WAS UN’.ALTRA PUBLICITARIA.E IS UP IT TO COPY And INKOLLARE MY PARTICIPATIONS. KE WANTS TO SAY KE MY KOMMENTO IS IN FASHION OF MODEREZIONE. but orgasm or sex nn sn of the beautiful words true coma never this post has aggregate therefore a great amount of deficienti…. sisi was dressed from sposa…. with true wang the most ugly one of the mondo…. I would rename blog therefore (the festival dell’.insulto and dell’.inamicizia) I stop it to make copy and inkolla kn my participations. “.smettila to make copy and inkolla kn my participations. "you stop it to make copy and inkolla kn my participations oddio, licoreo I have not understood if the COSO of the situation I were io…. however me kiamo in cause and I become pure account ke that Yes reason speaking with much calm I said to comunicati…. BUT WHEN NEVER THEY HAVE COME To YOU TO BREAK OFF I HAUL To HOUSE YOURS SAYING TO CHANGE MUSICA… KIND. BUT KI KAZZO IF OF STRAFOTTE IF SIX ONE PANINARA. I AM SOLAMENDE SAYING, KE YOU CAN TURN IT And RIGIRARE LIKE YOU WANT, Is JUST KE ALL ARE FREE TO LISTEN TO KI And KE THINGS APPEALS TO To IT, MA…. SORELLINA…. BETWEEN THE TWO COSA…. NOT C’.È COMPARISON. SPETTA$OLARITÀ LIKE THOSE OF THE ROCK, A PAIR OF FIGHETTI WITH THE HANDS ON THE SAUCERS YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GIVE MAI…. I me the PAREJO to speak therefore and if us skappa l’.offesa repeated, me of it I blink, like if the subishe…. blinks some ki why they are things innoque and about all the giorni…. PERHAPS SKUSA, YOU SIX TOO MUCH ACCUSTOMED TO BE INSULTED And EVIDENTLY PEOPLE INCHINA And DOES NOT SCATTER HOLES To YOUR PASSAGE. IT RETURNS WITH THE FEET FOR EARTH SIGNORINELLA. ZIO…. MAXIMUM RESPECT, if the language you has seemed skurrile, informs to me provvederò to modify it (with the others but not with she), and however and always MAXIMUM RESPECT HEAD. to l’.onore you to reply seen ke our first diskussione it is terminata…. I do not know if you want to put hand to this, but however I would be lieto of riasponderti…. But you very become account that with you, when you leave for the tangent, c’.è possibility of comparison and this does not only go to your discapito. The six worse one than a politician in electoral campaign, but we are not here under elections. I do not want to return to the rissa of time I make, but me it seems a po’. offensive from part tua…. NN SEEMS TO YOU. "guessed phrase + RETURNS With the FEET FOR EARTH SIGNORINELLA" is + ke never ke has been able never dire…. perkè puts you to the current ke is not lived in the patinated world in which it communicates thinks to you to inhabit with its beloveds amichetti type puffi or teletubbies.tutto this to speak civilmete and to express all opinions respecting the others and without not even a VAFFA, ago to reign the absolute trouble in this blog….e invites to you to remember, than after the skorsa litigated, we were becomes to you all of the CAZZONIi true and just and sincerely to return a po’. CAZZUTO, to not dispiace affatto…. you want a forum me appallato from 75enni, or want ke the vaffa attract to + people in the diskussioni…. you do not have fear makes me to earn 20. mother mine manko you can send to fanculo tipa a stronza ke already you censure. to this point nn I know who c is d + with i feet x terra…. not task that chissenefrega has need of i yours log x sopravvivere…. @phlexo: I have said that to you that I thought, but you have interpreted to way yours (or perhaps I have explained myself badly), but the same one goes well and I do not have some wants to return sull’.argomento. Returning to your music: but at least six enrolled to the Siae and all’. Enpals with your group, or you make l’.anarchico also lì. Then I want to know a po’. more than info on this fantomatico group: I you say sincerely, not you taking, but I imagine like one species to you of FINLEY of the poveri….…. Then Phlexo for me is like a drug, from when it comments on this blog I have uncovered that I cannot more make less of its stramberie…. @Licoreo: you have reason, scusami are unforgivable, I have neglected your innovative hierarchical system to parenthesis. This post, however, is becoming more trash than one aimed of Good Domenica…. @ chissenefrega: sure ke all we have need of all and ke to not they want the jockey poles us, but if it complains itself and continues to rimanere…. contraddice. hour this has been broken off me d post…. also insults how much to me pare…. will continue to you to follow but I DO NOT KNOW if I will continue to commentare…. bye. but its David Gnomo drank whisky, swore to piccava the gnugna magna, its large girl licoreoooooooo, guessed great I I have been born myself with the birrozzo instead of the biberon…. IT KILLS to YOU, task ke setiremo yours mancanza…. at least from part mia…. I do not know if to continue to speak to you after that one ke you have said to me. but you already if ciai given of the FINLEYS I would have sgozzarti…. and you know ke I make it, ke of head I am not we well we are group + of merda of the face of the earth, I above all I am that one ke them ruin, but we are however 386 spanne over the finley…. like it they are all the groups ke do not make that ke make those deficient ones to make feint of being of the punkettari (ekko a po’. the avril lavigne) in order then to reveal + britney spears of britney spears…. but the sapete ke britney spears it is + metallara of the Finleys however it buys l’.album and it makes ours me contracted siae is skaduto perkè previewed alone the launch of the first one disko, ke is not a disko destined to the commerce, but it is a disko from net interna…. to we hour has gone us well is with the MASSACRE records but however if tried well l’.album the trovate…. is poko…. on the 21 - 22?…. it could anke be sheso is ushito the 17/02/05. “.grande licoreoooooooo, guessed great I have been born myself with the birrozzo instead of the feeding-bottle... ”. “.L' abuse of alcohol door to dead women million neurons, damaging the cervello”. km qphexo the gossip. are being made here can essere…. but above all a tizio kiamato LICOREO, I would be insinuating ke I am deficiente…. I abuse of alchol from the morning to the evening. “.con this kiude the cercio”. (the juice delll’.insinuazione, just, ….). YOU HAVE AZZECCATO… TO US. BUT THIS DOES NOT AUTHORIZE TO INSINUATE IT to YOU, ANKE IF I ADMIT OF ESSERLO…. however, communicates to you has gone a momentin is made fottere…. not lityiga +…. and I task ke will return to attend to mine + loved post that one suglio dei…. NIRVANA. “.ma above all a tizio kiamato LICOREO, I would be insinuating ke I am deficiente”. - we are making all dall’.inizio of yours digressioni…. comprised BOSS, if nn you of pits accorto…. poss not to make + less d this post.qll ke pass the time to make copy and inkolla kn the participations. and then a movement Pò is fikissimo ke in qst kind of is a Pò of gossip((o spettegulez–.tanto xriprendere qll ke says my lover = P))almeno c’.è. in the first place I have written “.e with this I close the circle “., if you must cite, at least I make it well, I I would not write therefore neanche after one series of lobotomie. this called thing “.sillogismo”. he would have to suggest to you less that I have not insinuated null, and men that than you are deficente. The “.sillogismo”. it is a semiotica structure in which I have taken single part in quality of constructor. @plettro (between all the nicknames that they have given to you, this is undoubtedly the migliore)…. like is made not to adore to you. However know that if you come to sgozzarmi I will love to you equally also dall’.aldilà…. (I do not refer to the phrase before, MO I DO NOT RAISE UN’.ALTRO POLVERONE. And THEN SEEN KE IT APPEALS TO to YOU TO EVIDENCE the HABITS OF ABBREVIATION Of the PERCONE TYPE, “.K”. To POSTODI “.CH”.…. WE SEE HOW MANY LOBOTOMIE the UNCLE SAYS KE YOU SIX FACT IN ORDER TO WRITE less “.e men that than you are deficente”. ME IT SEEMS MORE A PHRASE KE COMES AFTER ONE SNIFFATA KE AFTER ONE LOBOTOMIA…. BEDECCI, UNCLE I LOVE YOU COSì TANTO…., KE I KNOW KE to ME SOME TIME a SGOZZATINA To HOUSE YOUR YOU I COME TO MAKE I do not answer to you otherwise nemmeno…. perkè I FALL APART SOME NAIL SKRIVENDO…. And I recommend door yours cd why I would not want to die without to have felt it, eh.hl=it&q=men+che+meno&meta=lr%3Dlang_it. I have mistaken instead, me is escaped a “.che”. to the penultimate line if e’. for that one also some other “.che”., then “.corda”., but above all, what ago the difference e’. the perke that a true damned rebel would have written XK. for piacere…. not six rebel, useless that you pretend you have flood reason, OMIODDIO ARE LIKE LAVRILLAVIGNE (than sound po’. like alain delon) thanks for the skottanti caricature skritte all in maiuskolo, tralaltro…. before were felt now poko importante…. instead sò of being at least better than you beloved licoreo…. however as far as the storiella…. not bad, you have nearly told mine hobby preferito….nei minimums dettagli…. six perhaps forgotten to you, ke I come quì to break off to you I haul after all l’.ambaradan from you descritto….….…. bohhh not so…. comunque…. you are rendered account ke the “.K”. is rock ehh. paninarini mine now fatemi to see well if you are truly rock…. a general abolition of the “.c”. in this post: oK. kazzo it is truly hard rokk to abolish the “.c”. is kosa + rokketara ke has never made plettro me you had to say before ke was enough to this x to feel kome you hour ke t kapisko and me skuso x all that one ke t I have said in past. The PANINARI CANNOT ABSOLUTELY NOT THINK TO USE “.K”. The ROCK. if it is for that one the paninari they do not exist piu from 20 years are only the punk that they are dragged laboriously in the 21 century, urlano urlano but they do not know why ekko classiko the example of paninaro doc. IF PITS BE PANINARO BELOVED LICOREO YOU WOULD NOT HAVE ANSWERED $OSÌ. if pits be super-partes, you would know ke the paninari they exist and they always exist as the metallari always exist and exist, therefore like anke the punkettari…. not to watch the shape the sfarzo l’.apparenza…. within everyone of we c’.è: or paninaro or metallaro and therefore via…. paninaro and diskomane naskono, I know they always develop and they will remain like of offese…. metallaro ecc…. hello the uncle an always six grande…. (and if you skappa qualke time in made + also saw. there are forgets to you also about the b-boy and fly-girl the question: and those that listen to music of saint addle who are. I wanted to remember to plettro replacing with greater meticolosità all otherwise the c with of k…. six rokkettaro paninaro. those ke askoltano saint addle, I am of the rinko-koglio-paninari. perkè I am not to the level of great FATHERS PANINARI, the diskoteke. komunikatii…. I have made + attention kome you said you o”.K”. nn I want + to see errori…. ops pardon…. horrors = c in place of K.che ridere….anzi K to laugh sorry.uff arrival always to the end of the diskussioni….pekkato.mi are made of the beautiful ones risate….ahah….siete of the grandi…. is not true k rock=passione and all the resto=merda, c’.è a sakko of rock k ago skifo and a sakko of other musika bellissima….non generalizziamo…. ….e then to be alternated it does not want to say niente….kosa to you wants to say then “.alternativi”. ohh my beloved arrives to the end of one diskussione but six ingrado not to save itself to you dall’.accenderne un’.altra. I have not never insinuated ke ROCK0PASSIONE RESTO=MERDA…. tralaltro I wanted to specify ke me I seem thing + blasfema to kiamare l’.house ART. music is art: music is made music perkè from the strumenti…. sees to use qualke instrument in music house. that one is not of art of passion, is ENTERTAINMENT To SKOPO OF LUCRO. WAY + EASY IN ORDER TO MAKE MONEIES. And THEN IF YOU RIESHI NOT TO FIND NOBODY OF ALTERNATIVO…. 1 YOU DO NOT KNOW VEDERE…. 2 TO BELONG A GROUP IT DOES NOT MEAN TO THINK ALL WITH 1,5 KG OF MATTER CELEBRATES THEM. And THEN SEEN KE SIX 8ALMENO I HOPE) SEGUACIA Of GOD KURT COBAIN…. YOU WOULD HAVE TO KNOW IT KE THAT ONE IS. THE DENIAL ALSO KNOWN AS PHLEXO. @phlexo:ok, I have badly interpreted on the fact rock=passione c’.è also house made seriously, that then piaccia or no.spiazzante, com’.era KURT (is a “.seguacia of the God Kurt Cobain”.).e said it in order not to answer to you but in order to answer to all nobody it has inkarikato to you to judge the other AVRIL is perfect in whichever thing faccia…. all they change and they straight have to choose like living the own life,, she only one has chosen to make it cosi….e I l’.apprezzo….continua cosi avril six and inimitabile…. nn to listen qll ke they say qst 4 oke spennakkiate…. fottetevi tutti….AVRIL IS to you THE BEST avril & deryck the brace perfetta….nn separated to you mai.(avril we are waiting for your new one album….nn ce we make it piu….facci to recommence to dream with yours songs and yours kitarra. I’.M WITH YOU NOW AND EVER ah music is made solo from musical instruments. to part the fact that a sintetizzatore E’. a musical instrument, and if you put yourself to play the pots you make music:. Quite c’.è be a autodefiniva period ke the new Sid Vicious, but dv we are arrives to you. Jhon Lydon (leader of the sex pistols) has declared on purpose of To Lavigne: "These persons who car-define themselves punk are feints. She would appeal to to me that she was like Sid, solo because therefore it would be died also. Poor Puaha Lafo…. After that nn + have been made sentire…. The shame Nn creed I define a punk-rocker and of experience of it I have 10000000 times + of that monkey, wanted to make it lei….bah. to me avril he appeals to growing is changed but chissene who nn the fà found that she has a beautiful voice and it is admirable its will to try new things many of you define punk bah…. troubles if I discover k you have said other things to of the sort I denounce you YOU ARE YOU PERCEIVE YOURSELF. @ann-but indeed indeed your sister is Avril. for all the others fan:punk.kredo ke avril has learned to follow gregge.cioè l’.altra the v leaf through one giornalino and l’.ho confused x hilary kakkio avril, c you have just disappointed nn ce l’.aspettavamo from you, ke you were contrary to the wedding, ke nn you sold your body but music and bla bla bla….hai changed xsonalità 3 v then t you want to decide. m you appealed to + i to times d complicated, qll ke was musica.cmq in spite of ttt we wait for your new one cd, x to feel cm 6 changed 1 other v.ciao ttt w hsm and vanessa hudgens and 1 po avril. all we change, will seem retorico, but it is therefore and inutile….all’.epoca it had 17/18 years and in quell’.età all we feel trasgressivi cn it wants to crack all creed is from hypocritical to criticize it, if you make na avalanche moneies you spend them and you enjoy the life. Its music to me appeals to, perhaps why it has mopoooolto + sense of that one d Hilary duck & Co. and between l’.altro creed that according to disc has been better and + maturo….poi the world it is beautiful why ours is vario.rimane always avril moreover is becoming woman nn is + the child punk ke cracks ttt. hello, anch’.io I have listened to the new song and I am beautiful scolta am the cousins of 1 sure one avril lavigne and know that hilary duff she is its sister. I know seems strange, but if it watches 1 photo with they 2 are identical as lineamenti and all second me, lately, somigliano also for the qualities canore.No, why to sentirla….secondo me it is ready for the ninnenanne, and zietta the Hilary it will be given to them man forte….-).è true is identical to hilary and on the fact ke it is in town-walls c I would put the hands on the fire. Then tant x to make to understand people ke throw unpleasant mud and comments in the confrnti of Avril…. 1 it has not never said of being punk. this name glielo has buckled the average and the fun xkè a necktie was put and was only one rebellious. Therefore you do not say that before it was a punk xkè nn is therefore. It thinks if it had gone in turn with necktie and Converged all’.età of 50 years (would not be ridicule. Therefore qualke change can to us stare…. enough k nn becomes cm those geese of Britney Spears or Paris Hilton. PS I have listened to single its new and is stupendoooo. dov’.è the avril that all we know. the wedding changes is true, but why, it that she said not to never change and not to never surrender is changed and she is arresa…. said not to become like the others, always she has been engaged it are not it and hour hour has become like all the others popstar….stupida. avril me is always piaciuta just why various from the others but hour that one avril does not exist more or simply it has hidden avril if six hidden to you return uncovered why the six much beautifulst one in version “.diversa from the altre”. for nicole: but ke cabbage you say ke avril is like hilary. hilary is a child grown in a world of stupiden singers whom they make succeeded only why z*****e avril it is a mito…. it has been and it it will be if no second will never succeed to return that one before xkè from qnd avril is returned on the skermi seems to me is changed molto…. cmq must say ke cm she nn c’.è me is true that puo to change itself, no you imposes, also from punkerotta to barbie. [ …. ] scomporsi, a lot we are accustoms to you very of [ ….].in I am blog kemmesòpersa kemmesòpersa….….peccato…. cmq the green day are not punk….sono teen age POP rock from radio…. Avril is deliciously poppissima but c appeals to così….Mel c remains a drum and it does not appeal to to us mancoperilcazzo. Therefore Britney ke has been rasata with the 666 in head and urla is l’.anticrsto, is sputtanta. as far as music, then, is obvious ke evolvendosi the singer, anke music changes. c sn many kommenti k possno capì….ma qst is the mio…. the thing ke makes me to have rabies of + is ke before said ke hated people cm she now has become. it goes be ferret-girl I have understood ke you mean but sec me you mistakes avril alone cabbage has been stupid to become therefore is not afatto true ke hides therefore only must be zitta. is zitta perkè has not understood just nothing is before the time that clikko is here must sorbirmi 1 tide of hauled. if not you you want sorbì kazzate nn the law. I write qll ke kaz m I seem nn I stop of sure xkè 1 stupid ke nn c’.ha 1 kazzo from fà m I come to dì ke nn 6 indeed glie I go bn qll ke I write qll ke I want dì I am ke if all made cm nobody now you could write qll ke think the klassica xsona ke hatred you write those ke cazz you seem, but I COMMENT those ke haul I seem to me if all criticized cm you all i comments ke sn be made excuse eh @super kritika (super diminish): I have understood ke vupi commentà and nn you he prevents nessno but fortune teller 1 po’. ki he has det qst: “.devi to only be zitta. you are zitta perkè you have not understood just nothing cabbage is before the time that clikko is here must sorbirmi 1 tide of hauled also comments, but nn you can dì to qualcno ke dv stopping it d writes xkè nn glie even goes bn. I am to esagerà xò qst what ke you have said all’.inizio m to me has fat incazzà. and cmq nn I have det ke I have reason I have det ke SEKONDO ME I am succes kosì to avril all pensan cm the glie I seem cmq avril m I have disappointed above all xkè before I have criticized them qll geese and then she has become cm they. and ballettini in the video of the new canzone.e then ttt qll the adherent meshes and the skirts ke n’.altre little s see ttt. qll cn the skateboard and the converged ones, is true ke s can change above all xkè now s is married xò nn therefore a lot, to the times d under my skin was well, xkè nn returns therefore. it is easy to rimangiare all what it has been made in past, above all for a star constructed to paint-brush in order to distinguish itself from those rognose of Britney and Cristina Aguilera…. avril, than us like it or not, has been transformed in a indiscrivibile, orribile and frightful creature tried to put 2 photos of Avril close: one of 2003 and one now, tried and say to me, you seem the same person. to me understood to think that that one of ade nn is avril lavigne…. it goes bè, at this point has demonstrated to us of being one failed, excused but it is just vero….…. not, freepunk, nn it seems the same one at all xsona. Please, it sends the link to me of dv you have read l’.intervista. PLEASE FREEPUNK YOU WRITE L’.INDIRIZZO DELL’.INTERVISTA IF L’. YOU HAVE READ ON (fairies copy and glue nn I know km puts x cliccarci over nn you take x then to me culo) person. dv to konfessare k I feel the lack d superkritika I have wants of sgozzarmi to blood cn she nn you can kapire. you can anke kritikarmi if you want kosì you risp…. but obvious k nn you are obligates ke kavolo xò m to you I am boring I would write to nn ending but dv fà the tasks d mat. ehy ferretgirl, hatreds avril for case. if 1 puts the elegant dressed ones instead ke to vstirsi punk it is beautiful + ank I I feel your lack I have clikkato x ved the kazzate ones k you wrote beh beh beh me here dispiace but task ke nn me beacon alive pre 1 be Pò has taken to us in turn without neanche preoccuparsene minimamente….….….…. before was l my life hour instead creed that all the former ones fan of avril lavigne that they have changed idea for via of its look are of deficenti.nella the life are grown mature nn can be remained children in eternal and are for whom I say that l’.anima of avril rimarrè always quella….….….….e that the only stupiden you are that the criticate….…. I believe inanzitut that the persons HAVE, with all the gentility, the RIGHT TO SAY and TO THINK THAT C…. simply am displeased from the change of Avril and have the right, like you, to express our opinion, that they are against or for in the comparisons of Avril. I do not give you of the defociente why I do not want to be on your same one slowly, I only say to you what task: Avril is changed that you piaccia or and there are not persons who as an example accept this cosa(like you) and others who not accettano(come me). perhaps you do not understand this thing why not six punk, but true punk the end dall’. beginning has understood that avril it was false also I, even if a Pò in delay l’.ho understood and hour are content to listen to TRUE music PUNK said this I do not obligate you to think it like me, indeed you accept your ideas and you would have to make it also everyone you you can here say what she wants for ferretgirl that a lot speaks has read l’. interview on avril paradise, you go to give to us un’. occhiata…. he is on the date of the 12 you open them where c’. the second one intervista…. after dimmi is written, it makes to know if story me balle….….…. I nn sn 1 cn the pants tears or cn hats to you scompigliati…. sn 1 simple one 13enne k s is in love d qst music k c makes to dream cmq beautiful kosa + is to sdraiarsi on the bed and to listen to d foundation or to max the volume the musike magike d avril or d raise music to the max and to get loose itself dancing to + nn poxo. I know k I speak tanto….freepunk cmq nn I have said k rakkonti bales hour I go endured to l’.intervista law. x eleonora: you feel is normal k 1 xsona she grows and she changes but it before said d to hate britney and is people hour she has become here kosì. but km never now she has become she kosì. nn never my friend has been punk …. thanks frepunk has opened me the okki. I know, I speak tanto….freepunk cmq nn I have said k rakkonti bales hour I go endured to l’.intervista law. x eleonora: you feel is normal k 1 xsona she grows and she changes but it before said d to hate britney and is people hour she has become here kosì. but km never now she has become she kosì. nn never my friend has been punk …. thanks frepunk has opened me the okki. avril has changed its style xo always remains the xsona ke was cmq I does not want to make to change idea to the gente…. saying that it is false I do not want to contagiare the other persons and to make them to reason cm me volgio to only express my depreciation towards of she ok I will perhaps be also an exaggerated Pò but I was one its fans and then has disappointed me creed that you can capirmi…. however I do not buy its new one album. since I prefer comprerne others of others mine idoli….nella life I grow myself mature nn can myself be remained children in eternal and am for whom I say that the spirit of avril rimarrè always that one............ e that the only stupiden you are that the criticized ones...... xò xkè nn judged same you instead d to judge altri….negli the last times have felt very many critike on avril and on its cambiamento…. ….anke it is a xsona and seglie qll ke them pare…. xò has qualcs in + d we: to had the courage d to change and d to face the consequences of its cambiamento…. 6 THE SINGER BETTER THAN IS 6 WONDERFUL VAFFAN…. to anyone critics us avril it is a large one sold the half of copies and she says that ugly she is compared to the first one. It invents new single, from the title it girlfriend, that its former ones are strange fan that they by now believed to have lost it. The album of this single one will exit to opens them just to half opens them. Avril has chosen to dedicate itself also to the sonorous columns, after that one of the Spongebob film has made that one of the film of Eragon. Avril is returning to the attacco.è useless avril remains the best for ever, whichever cs is said in turn remains the migliore.è vergognoso to read this article species on avril.iospero that you think same you and to yours gusti….prima of sputtanare the others. I want to break a nozzle in favor of avril lavigne. you I say that he is changed and that he has waxed its personage when of it had bisogno.voltando the shoulders to its fan….lei is always equal. it is ALWAYS PUNK….è always be punk.lei remains within and outside punk….il wedding she continues to transmit of the emotions. I hope that at least the half of you before shooting sentence has at least felt its canzoni.a me and to all its fan transmit to strong emotions joy feelings or of intense tristezza….emozioni ceh you nn perhaps can understand. nn it has made ttt this for the moneies and the crowd. in beyond dedication also to beneficenza….cosa activity that nn says a lot in c they have grown cn avril(in metaforico sense). and poxo to assure to you that nn it is cm they describe it in these -”. articoli.perfavore if legette nn l you take to the lettera.grazie kiss to all fan to them of Avril.che avrill had said of nn never to have been punk. she has specified atutti those that criticized it that nn it has never said of being opunk.lei has always dressed in determined modo.e others have judged it punk. she has said this in defense to the fact that many said that nn it was punk. in effects its punk is a lot diverso.dall’.originale….ma remains cmq punk.qualcuno can scrivare where I can find a enough veritiera version dell adolescence of in truth is always the usual avril punk. KE INFAGATE EXCUSED BUT The NAME To YOU OF AVRIL KOSA KAZZO WANT From WE SPETTINATI, KON The SKATE UNDER the FEET And KITARRA ELETTRIKA IN MANO.VOI KREDETE KE ADMIRING YOUR REIETTE KOME LOHAN KE BY NOW AVERAGE IS DRUGGED And ALKOLISTA And HILTON KE In SUA VITA NN KNOW TO MAKE A KAZZO ARE ARRIVED To QUALKOSA…. Sooner or later ALL WILL HAVE KRESCERE. To ME NN ME OF FREGA JUST A KAZZO IF To YOU NN GOES KE AVRIL E’ WELL. KAMBIATO And TASK KE NEANKE TO AVRIL. I RATHER RINUNCIO TO BECOME AMIKA THAN QUALKE FIGHETTO/A KE GOES IN TURN KON 300 KATENE TO THE KOLLO, MESCIATO, KON THE OKKIALI ALONE OF D&G (BUT KI KAZZO ARE. And I KEEP MY FRIENDS And AMIKE EMO, SK8TER ….….IO I will be IN ORDER ALWAYS ONE CRAZY SKAPPIGLIATA KON The SKATE UNDER the PEIDI And KITARRA ELETTRIKA IN HAND. PERKE’. IN THIS MUSIKA I RESKO To KOGLIERE EMOTIONS, ….INVECE In MUSIKA “.TUC-TUC”. NN I FIND A KAZZO TO US. NOW KE ARE VENTED ME PERKÈ READING THESE KOMMENTI ME ARE INDEED INKAZZATA. IF NN YOU ARE DAKKORDO YOU CAN WRITE KE TO ME ARE AN EXHIBITIONIST, A GIRL WITHOUT IDEALS, ONE POOR DEPRESSED. I MAKE A BEAUTIFUL RISATA US And MY LIFE GOES AHEAD. HELLO HELLO IF FOR KASO QUALKUNO IT THINKS IT KOME ME IS MADE TO FEEL. but in the Italian language the H… letter exists. and not the K. letter xX_Arlx_Xx, you have reason, sn from your part. I do not get angry to read ste hauled, xk pervertiti deficient sn they, and then: nn he appeals to to you avril. ah, I forgot to say that we are also scapigliati (but not in the sense of Cavalcanti and Guinizzelli), understood. @alnz: skapigliata she will be your sister. but ki kredi of being x to make kueste citazzzzioni you kulturali kosì. Manu94 and Alnz you are of the large ones. Ke adexo sn it only makes ill why the good girl is broken off me the arm making a Ollie kon skate.uu ke ke has been vero.e sure skappigliate/i kon skate under the feet the feet in the VANS and HAND the kitarra elettrika. but nn we will be to make to change them idea. the new album is stupendoooooooooooo hello to todossss x me the Avril new is moooooltoo better of the previous one.) cosi’.….giovani and anticonformiste….si, also girlfriend young, are ritmata ma….è piu’. equal to all the other songs of other singers anke if cm you have said avril nn you are + that one of 4 years ago by scappigliata kon the skate ones under the feet and dressed of red-black music were not music tunz-tunz. cmq sdeng is not badly but much best that one pum-scrash-bang-crrrrrr KOSA KAZZO YOU WANT From WE SPETTINATI, KON the SKATE UNDER the FEET and KITARRA ELETTRIKA IN MANO.VOI KREDETE KE ADMIRING YOUR REIETTE KOME LOHAN KE BY NOW AVERAGE IS DRUGGED and ALKOLISTA and HILTON KE In SUA VITA NN KNOW TO MAKE a KAZZO and I KEEP MY FRIENDS and AMIKE EMO I will be IN ORDER ALWAYS ONE CRAZY SKAPPIGLIATA KON The SKATE UNDER the PEIDI And KITARRA ELETTRIKA IN HAND. Hey, beautiful, seems k m has read nl thought, t merits 1 beautiful TVB. Task cm you above all R-with regard to the Hilton, but k kazzo believes d being. 1 xsona k it is famous without fà 1 I haul, k is famous single xk c’.ha na caterba de moneies but k nn it sings, nn recites, nn writes, nn ago 1 cazzo…. ke kazzo d xsona è.S:IO HATRED MUSIC TUC-TUC Or TUNZ-TUNZ Or CM DEVIL KIAMA.E VERGOGNO SL TO SAY KE to ME KIAMA XKè MUSIC is SL a SFILZA OF EQUAL NOISES KE MAKES SL YOU SCEMUNIREEEEEEE. not that Avril differences as well as with l’. last songolo…. as the 1 mitooooooooooooooooooooo your new song is called avril 6 then is truly figaaaaaaa. rag has seen in turn the photos of avril in topless…. excuse minirebel has seen the photos on blender then what wants to isinuare. and however I want to insinuate that it is scandalous. and after that sees that its photos have not been accepted from nearly tt the fans it goes to say that was drunk at this point we would have to know that knows to recite very bene…. appealed to, but when it had or not 11 years when I was still too much small and I believed that avril it was punk…. (like of the rest I when it had 11 years). hour I listen to true music punk. and then what means music punk, music of avril is changed this must admit, to the beginnings its music nn was understood if it were rock or not now to me it seems that its is all POP is itself one fan but they are realistic, if I must say one what against avril I say it, but this nn it means that nn it is one its fan.hai felt its new album the best damn thing. is crescendo….ste becoming donna…. after all to 22 years and cannot at all remain like to 16…. our Avril is becoming donna….resterà the Avril always and kmq anke if hour has 1 rather elegant style goes the stesso….non well can remain the child to maschiaccio before. and it nn has never said of being punk. and kmq it will remain AVRIL THE BEST 4EVER. anke if she is changed is well così….anke if effectively m have 1 disappointed Pò x l’.abbigliamento to “.tette d fuori”. ke h seen in some foto….…. kmq nn s she can say ke has of the ugly ones capelli….…. x sofysammy: I love to imapzzire avril, have only said that he is changed but anke to me appeal to therefore, I am d’.accordissimo that he is normal to grow, and to make of the changes I see that a six fan upset, as me I hope that avril me you carry fortune and it JULY FOR ITS CONCERT succeeds in superare.AH DOMENTICAVO YOU WILL COME To the 18 ROME, ONLY ITALIAN DATE thanks to have to me informed on the concert of Avril….nn I know it sapevo…. kmq is 1 true Pò that Avril is being behaved from “.oca giuliva”.…. and x this m disp 1 kasino…. but it it has become xkè is cresciuta….anke if, to my opinion it is 1 premature Pò to marry itself to 22 anni…. Avril will remain kmq x we rebellious it teen, poko feminine, completely outside from the regole…. and now it is changing and effectively nn it is + like 4 years ago ….prima was punk and hour it is beginning to become Valeria Navy 2…. But ki never the kapirà one but in the Girlfriend video is the raga stronzetta ke vogliamo…. exposes yours riflessioni….…. From the boys. X vasy….io sn of Firenze…. I know Avril-Paradise….sò all on Avril. X how much m regards m pox to only consider punk….(sono to the soglie)…. X SOFY BUT SIX ENROLLED AVRIL-PARADISE.Bè UNFORTUNATELY TO CHANGE MEANS ALSO TO CHANGE Mentality, Is The MUCH MOST MATURE One THAN PRIMA.NN I HAVE UNDERSTOOD WHAT YOU HAVE ASKED To ME WHICH CATEGORY I BELONG YOU CAN SPECIFY WHAT YOU MEAN GRAZIE.TU NEVER YOU HAVE SEEN AVRIL From the VIVO.COSA HAS HIT To YOU OF AVRIL, FROM WHICH It is GUSHED YOUR PASSION FOR SHE. Vasy, you never do not end of sorprendere…. before you were of Turin, then of Catania and hour of Naples. To me of Avril m it has hit the fact ke is completely various from the other singers (at least it was), she is simply singer x teenager…. she is l’.unica singer ke has 1 its style and way of pensare…. Cristina Aghilera, Britney, Paris Hilton, Hilary Duff, second me sn all uguali….tutte oke insieme….almeno Avril are punk…. and exactly, the orribile thing is ke could become like loro.….….…. Avril t I pray always returns the raga stronzetta and little femmminile d. and then it records the fact ke I am similar to it esteticamente…. Therefore the first mystery of Vasy has been revealed. Hour, but, you must give indications to us on the color of yours capelli…. Sure that six anchor gannet my list. the concert is the 18 July to Rome all’.ippodromo of the cappannelle, hopes that there will be. It will be difficult, creed that already I will be engaged in a tournée…. vabbè, I me I go to nanna, the wide awake sound to the 6, must some lavorà. I dispiace that you nn come but goes the same one well would have been content introduces you palm, nothing goes ago bè nn what makes one tournèè of what. However I would have to consult l’.agenda, not memory if I will be engaged like chitarrista in one band soul or like liutista in a ensemble of music medievale…. x vasy: Avril nn l’.ho never seen from the vivo….xrò I have seen other singers from alive (ligabue)…. HELLO To ALL the THAT KE WRITE ON THIS BLOG.….….…. W Avril the best all over the world.X SOFYSAMMY HOWEVER VASY and PAUL NN IS KNOWN, KNOWS XCHè to IT SN UN’. VASY FRIEND. X IT APPEAL TO WE RENDER + ALIVE THIS BLOG. SOON I GO VIA IF IT CONTINUES, $OSÌ. HELLO, PALM IS RETURNED TO BREAK OFF The BOXES To ME, TAKEN CARE NN HAS The SITUATION UNDER CONTROL. x SOFY NN TO ATTEND To WHAT THAT ONE UNPROVIDED OF PALM WRITES, I and PAUL HAVE KNOWN THEMSELVES In BLOG AVRIL VS MELANIE C. FOR WHO NN HE KNEW IT, PALM IS USING MY PC BY VASY X SOFY HELLO SN PALM, IS USING The PC OF VASY.VASY, IF L’.HA TAKEN TOO MUCH, BUT I MEANT IF THEY KNEW THEMSELVES From VIVO.XPAUL PALMAGEDDON IS RETURNED, BUT + EDUCATED, IF VASY STRANGOLA.X ORFEO I DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES X To ME OFFENSES KE I HAVE MADE YOU, BUT ASPECT YOURS. but figured if you pa’. it ends in means to this marasma of comments on avril lavigne. task that not glie of can fregà de meno…. I would not cancel niente…. I must use the head these teen before making hauled. and then excuse, as we make to find a bimbetta with black hats and the okkiali in all Naples you have fear that someone comes to you under house, you aspects and he slaughters to you. nn it is for me and neanche for you, but he is my father who says of nn giving no information if my incola father were for me said all that one to you and of ugly. I nn have fear of nothing and that they come aspect to open braccie hello cnsf me you can rispendere you of I would be grate. NN M SN YESTERDAY MADE SKUSATEMI IF SENTIRE….AVEVO 1 MOUNT FROM STUD. STA’. H MORNING TEST D’.ESAME OF MATHEMATICS (NN I KNOW 1 KAZZO)….…. x vasy: nn t to worry nn task that someone, making reference yours “.dati”., comes under house yours to break off you the coglioni….e as it has said it communicates to you, nn task that to your qualkosa father gliene freghi of Avril…. HELLO To ALL the TEEN Of the BLOG. under my skin me are piaciuto also ame why POP went away from those lle musichette hour with Girlfriend is divenatta POP to all the effects to the fine anyone does not know for sure who is truly changes for the moneies the fine ones is one my opinion. but the television news, for how much trash and criticabili can be, you follow them or you watch always animated cardboards. (ah not but perhaps not us 6 anchor arrived in before elementare….) your father has all the reasons of the world to put in guard my father to you who breaks off and says nn to give no information, why nn knows to who the dò, to me of all this nn me frega but he he is the head, and if incavola goodbye concert of avril.perchè is spoken like my father. but excused that cabbage centers the comment of official notices not to give here for n iente to the world information on you and gurda the television news that do good altranne when you see the face of Berlusconi, them I perceive to you, you could have of the effects collaterals. and excused l’.OT…. hour, if you have understood the lecture, you can recommence to speak about Avril. watches that I gave argione perfectly you I am one pure cavolata to diffuse the data on Internet. I also it hatred, come to us when me gira…. the point is that perhaps you six scaldata a Pò too much you have made well to say qst what, but you could say a Pò to it with calma…. and small precisazione, hatred avril. of sure I do not stop myself here to speak about avril…. hello to all people of the blog. rx rx rx rx rx wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww AVRIL THE BEST DAMN THING. X IT COMMUNICATES THANKS To YOU FOR YOUR COUNCIL YOU ARE GRATE. I HAD REASON THAT YOU WERE UN’.ADULTA, I KNOW THAT MY FATHER SAYS IT FOR MY GOOD, and NN to IT CREED THAT IS an OLD BABBONE. hello and remembers the school is important, and nn to forget you to say sempreWWWWWWWWWavril x vasy: not, I are not enrolled to no forum, that that I have written l’.ho not copied from no part, sfornato entire from my head. it is prorpio for that we hate tipe like you the Julia. not that you hatreds why I do not know to you. but you cannot say that you garments dark, punk and fighetta. l’. to be fighetta fashion is one but the punk and dark the not sn to me for nothing. I l’. have listened for a year but endured me they are shrewed that a poor one was sfigata that it before believed punk. d to talk nonsense cavolate you ask and you know the persons, I has not judged nobody of voi.quali is your preferred songs of avril. Excuse miniums rebel, is not d’.accordo on the history of the mode. Today all the movements and the styles of life that they involve are modaioli, nient’.altro that alternated to you accredited. The punk it was trasgressivo single during the period of the pioneers type Sex Pistols, Ramones, Clash etc cmq m appeals to a lot my happy ending and tomorrow…. (c sn affective reasons and un’.amicizia special been born cn qst 2 canzoni….) cmq cm I have said before nn I have some in particolare…. hello hello that avril it is changed in worse, you the six same Paola that has written in avril vs melaniec. if it were the same one would not go in turn with ags chenel and dressed Armani, it does not seem to you. AVRIL IS NOT PUNK, IS NOT REBELLIOUS DARK IS NOT ASSOLUTAMNTE. I do not know that to say nn I have read to all the other comments and I hope not to repeat nothing that has been already saying does not know those that you would give. not true he goes beh if you can fairies in way to make it to read it. @paul: Luxuria sure more is prepared and democratic than a Bertinotti that is only selling “.io I dress cm m seems, I have not never said d to be punk but all file me cm punk, I not it sono”. and then a person s garment cm wants and garment does not have to be judged x cm s. VERY SAID JULIA IT IS THAT THEY END TO DESCRIBE IT AVRIL LIKE A PUNK, AS VE MUST SAY THAT NN IS PUNK. IT SEES TO YOU TO SEND A PERSONAL TICKET TO UGNUNO OF YOU. AVRIL Is ALWAYS The BEST One, And NOBODY Can ASSERT L’.INCONTRARIO. one looks at that understood a cabbage of a situated one anti avril c’. was not an article that said “.chi dares to say that not sn punk. why if the listened ones hardly from the 2004/05 then I understand. but CABBAGE is From 2002 THAT SAYS OF BEING PUNK. And julia as far as the interviste…. it is easy to rimangiarsi all for comfortable avril continued to say: “.sono one rebellious is the Sid Vicious of the new generation (if you know who is Sid). they have been compared to Kurt, is logical we are two legends of rock.”. according to you the this is not backs punk. and then excused, one that is not punk, THEN PERCHè CABBAGE COSì. GARMENT then has truly of the problems your Avril. not why one that says to me that it is not punk and it goes in turn with skulls, black enamel, converged, vans…. then is just from ricoverare. and then excuse to you would make ago appeals to that someone disfigures your way to be jiulia. avril is a pulce, feint of being a punk, TAKES ADVANTAGE OF OUR LIFESTYLE, OUR LIFE THAT is the PUNK IN ORDER TO MAKE MONEIES. Sure Luca81Na, Luxuria talmenete is prepared that it would want that the state paid the participations of plastic surgery to transessuali…. aridatece the Togliatti. @Paul: but a referendum in order to repeal Luxuria, not l’.ha still indetto nobody. (and then, what c’.entra in this argument. to me it interests politics and I adore to the Luxuria madness. @mini rebel: then it speaks to you of it here:. x csnf large you have reason perfectly, than cabbage us frega to we of this cavola of politics, we are here in order to discuss about avril.x minirebel, nn we can believe to us we already interest you politics to your age, we interest you ste scemenze or not avril, but we are matti. and he adores is luxuria, but who is, is in male or one woman. PALM THAT I AM ASTONISHED, BUT FROM WHERE YOU ARE WRITING. SURE THEY ARE THEM FROM YOU BETWEEN LITTLE, BUT BEFORE YOU ANSWER TO ME. I have only said that I adore Luxuria not that of volgio to speak. and then Vasy excuse, you do not know to me, you do not know how many years I have and as you make to say that politics are scemenza. an excuse, but Avril in comparison to politics is not just nothing. I am interested to politics not why it appeals to to me, indeed they make me to laugh the politicians why me they are nearly all where I say I am anarchical but I will have also not and then to inquire on politics excuse, sincerely if he calculates politics a scemenza respect to Avril wants to say that not reasons a lot you can dirmi how many years you have nn to worry itself I reason also much good, but we teenager what us can interest the politics why to inform political gannet to us at all to me changes something in my life, and then knows is broken off to me on the fact that you continue ribadire you are punk, but when avril she has never said of essre punk. UN’.altra what nn I have understood but to you it appeals to I am punk. if you want directory all the articles of 2003 and 2002 of when avril it said that it was punk. it goes beh, you have demonstrated your intelligence, to the end if you do not want to understand it I cannot makes nothing you have said us not to have need of Italian lessons.) and l 3 line (nobody has never put in doubt your INTELLIGENTE)…. vabbeh will read the articles of the 2002/03, in which asserts of being a punk, therefore we will once end it for all. Chissene, I do not have absolutely intention to speak about politics. In my previous comment I had limited myself to cite two names all’.interno of a context. I have mentioned that false companion of Luxuria in order to support my modern thesis on punk the bogus and communist modaioli, of which miniums rebel ago sure part that you are just always ready borings and to judge also when you do not know one that says all other to learn l’. Italian, l’. other that breaks off erchè says that politics are not important. perhaps I know, have been a Pò child perhaps but it makes me enough to incavolare the thing me are taken with Vasy too much heavy and for this I ask them excuse as far as what it has given me “.della false punk”. the fine ones although EFFORT has 15 years ME to interest to me and to understand politics and creed some nearly it succeed I do not know why has given to me of the false one punk. does not know to me and just for this I would want to understand why lapensa così.ma I am tizio like ago to give you of false punk. beh the punk is a way to be, a way to differ from people of this world that to we ago much cagare. it is a way for evedere from the globalization, from the systems that as well as we hate (like in this case politics, racism etc). it is a life style and just for this you cannot recognize it. or for less, if tizio a garment from punk the famous ones, but if is not dressed like such cannot recognize it insomma, the punk it acknowledges from the ideals of a person, much from the look. just for this Avril it is not and it was hated. it was given of the punk, and you I guarantee, but it did not have ideals instead the Ramones, i Sex Pistols etc they that they were punk…. it is a difficult Pò. but to the end the punk it is a way to be, of trasgressione everyone then interprets it and it follows it with its modi…. I do not know if they are explained to me as far as qiel tizio does not know to me and I do not know why it has given me of the falsa…. will have in mouth single pregiudizi….bbbboooohhhhhhh creed that is this punk. no…. the those that is dressed generally of black is dark. to the end for being punk does not have to dress to you from such why the punk it cannot be defined in little lines indeed if I would begin to explain it to you I would employ us one vita…. davvero…. it is complicato…. x minirebel you have reason us rinuncio nn I understand nothing to us of style, and that dire…., but to you avril nn it appeals to like person or its music. the songs even if are rock-POP are not male…. but she as person watches. x minirebel they are content that at least like singer nn hatreds, nn it appeals to to you just like person, message recepito. which are your preferred groups or singers. AAAHHHHHHHHAAAA NN ARE L’.UNICA TO MISTAKE TO WRITE IF YOU WANT WE GO WITH To REPETITION D’.ITALIANO. @vasy: six punk also you and you do not even know it are it. If it appeals to the comunismo to you it leaves to lose the politicians buffoni that they would have to represent it in parliament and begins to develop one your idea to cost to go truly counter-current. perhaps x alnz bè nn I know it, even if creed of nn being punk, nn I know neanke from where is exited is word, we say that this word me incuriosisce a lot hello Large minirebel, made to be worth, and above all WWWWAVRIL. this: xke the punk it is becoming “.fighetto”. I in fact say it and loripeto, avril I am not punk and it never he has not been then if s he dressed in a sure way made it and basta.mi ago it appeal to to know ke c’.è someone ke thinks it like me, anke if we are not the unike…. @minirebel:non garment of black is said ke ki is dark, c’.è anke ki us garment perkè loves that color and enough, without essre dark or that other …. is true, who loves the black one puo to dress itself d black without being dark, cm my better friend x es. Creed that the just attitude is that one to feel music that it wants and to dress itself like appeals to leaving to lose many mental outlines. Vasy, than c’.entrava those “.bravo ragazzo”. then Paul, ognuna thinks it as the fashion wants sinceramnte not creed punk like one. the punk of the ‘. 77 are obvious c’. are not more and must admit that more it is gone ahead and more the punk it risks than to be killed from the fighette that they only imitate it for the punk. but creed that between who fight truly the punk exists still to the end c’. is who makes the own ones chosen: c’. flake against the wars is who, who against the religious moral, who urla against the power everyone fights for what she believes, and we fight in order to differentiate to us from this world, and many other things. you l’. I have said already is a way to be and finchè he is not false a punk conitnuerà to living. and however I meant that GENERALLY who black garment of with skulls borchie and black enamel are Dark. have not said assolutamnte that who garment of black is itself dark…. has reason must go all and two from a university professor of italiano….…. creed that you are punk. at least therefore you make to understand, otherwise would not hold sluice that one boccaccia…. if the six then creed that you would have to speak d’. other even if about some thing you do not have reason for the others sincerely you have made me sorridere…. why six therefore sure one that the punk it does not exist more you know the persons who still listen to the Sex Pistols, the Ramones, the Clash and after dimmi if venduti…. they are excused in the phrase “.le fighette only imitate it for stile”. not me reputo punk, and is not neanke a great expert, but something I know, and they are made one my idea me I do not put myself to speak about sid vicious why of it I have spoken end too much nell’.altro post on avril. for some things are d’.accordo with miniums rebel. the punk it is an idea, a lifestyle, an attitude that goes beyond the dressed ones and also beyond music. but they are not d’.accordo on what you have written to julia. indeed, are d’.accordo with julia. refusing a T-shirt a priori only why it is signed, why “.siamo punk”., I find it very stupid you are not at all against the mental outlines. online general I share l’.ideologia punk but many of you exasperate and they make it to become very little free little and a lot outside from the outlines. and it is here that fashion becomes one: by now all it is a fashion, all the ideologies, the attitudes, the styles, are previewed from the “.sistema”. and they are therefore mode. anch’.io to the fine ones are in one some fashion are “.casual”. I dress myself like understood and as current seems to me not c’.è, neither style that is not fashion then is the thoughts, the persons that thinks indeed with the own head, without need of outlines, and without having itself to give to names and useless labels they are little, would not want to seem superficial, stupid or presuntuosa but creed of being one of these all those that are given un’.etichetta to the end make part of a fashion fortunately all do not make it cmq I have 14 years but politics appeal to to me very. the sex pistols they were sold and the clash they were trades them (or cmq with london calling it they are becomes to you). cmq they are d’.accordo on the fact that the punk still exists finchè c’.è someone that it indeed believes to us beautiful to say that it is fought second for differenziarsi. me would be enough to try to be NORMAL. that one is punk truzzi fighetti emo the metallari gabber skin the etc etc etc that being would be various. the punk it is a way to be and the true ones punk are those that are wanted to be differentiated from all PERCHè ARE IF SAME some of we (between which I) they do not put things signed why simply we go against the globalization why to buy a written T-shirt from 90 euro with “.d&g”. when R-al.mercato or from any other part ce it is an identical one, also in the woven one that hour costs 10 euro. does not want to make controversy but if we are therefore good for we we do not prevail the things but we make what PERCHè seems to us BELIEVES IN What FACCIAMO.Poi for who is not punk cannot be understood this thing. but to fine you are a contrisenso. not accepted some thing of the punk and then you want as well as to be dressed like such simao against the fighette why they are JUST THEY THAT THEY KILL the PUNK. the Sex Pistols was and is tutt’. today l’. icona of the punk. the Clash l’. has crewato with the Ramones. I do not want to dress like punk and me of frega nothing not to make it. I dress normal, jeans T-shirt and stop. is d’.accordo with what you say I only say that SOMEONE ago to become an obsession with therefore many outlines living a life that is l’.opposto of the freedom that tried (. knows well sex pistols and clash, has all the cd and knows their history, po’. less ramones, they knows them solo through my cousins, they great fan. therefore creed of enough being informed. I know that the sex pistols they are l’.icona of the punk. if you want to know what task of the sex pistols, I have written you vary post nell’.altro article on avril. as far as the clash, me piacciono a lot but I do not find punk neanche a po’ to them. and then not to put them with to the ramones for alive favor with a sister punk, its friends punk and a cousins punk and creed of knowing a Pò the things. and then mythical the Jhonny Rotten has decided with the others to melt the group does not see where they are venduti…. and then how many cd you have of they truly me turns out that the sex pistols they have only made nevermind the bollocks. or you want to count also the great rock n roll swinlde. perhaps it goes bè sold not, but from when they are it becomes to you famous with virgin records the creed that they have begun to be little more than a issue than image to the end in the post on avril I always end in order to speak about punk. @kurdt: nearly I am astonished that a girl of 14 years as you to the day d’.oggi is in a position to reasonings of this livello…. is d’.accordo practically to 100% on all which you have said on the presumed one “.filosofia-punk”. I wanted to see if you knew them the Sex Pistols. truly however they have only made Never mind the Bollocks…. but like never a girl who is not punk it knows therefore a lot on these groups. it is always ended with speaking about the punk…. however creed that is continued to speak about punk why first Avril said it is it. C$r-with regard to the philosophy punk I say that it does not have sense perché…. it had in ‘.77. the That one on which I would have to ridire is l’.atteggiamento from ‘.77 of who lives in 2007. I and the others “.defender”. did not make other that to consider the discotecari they of the enemies, but in truth not us inculavano of pezza. The fight against the “.fighette”. about which I speaks seems a po’. the same thing, becomes a way in order to identify itself in something. Rebel Miniums: it is not the fact not to be punk. I am not neither punk, neither nothing, perhaps they are not neanche a rockettara. are only one that they give approximately a year is in love of indeed music and has tried to know of most possible then one of my better friends adores the sex pistols and XD has instructd me in order well. and a po’. of time it makes me enough I was approached punk and all’.anarchia. the creed it are not of much far hour, but they are not neither punk neither anarchical happens also to me with the things that me are to heart. Paul: absolutely d’.accordo on all the one which you have written. I am not against fighette Paul, or for lomeno, they are not punk for this otherwise just I would be put badly all qui…. but I “.combatto”. against politics, the religion ecc…. and they are before that it recognizes that the punk is not more like before. but they are also before to hope that those little of spirit of the 77 can continue living in the punk…. x kurdt: it makes it appeal to me that you it tasks cm me on the fact that must dress cm us seem and it does not make too many paranoie…. x miniums rebel: before you say that the punk it is not changed and hour you say that you recognize in short that he is not more cm prima…. bè second me the punk to the fine ones is always that one. but it has had to change by force, to adapt itself. @kurdt: inasmuch as by now the six my preferred one I answer to you io…. enough that you write [ two-punti][meno][chiusa-parenthesis-round ] that is others info in a generalized manner on these things find to them in this post of order to-scarlett-and-who-the-vuole/.com/2006/06/04/what-smilies-can-the-use/. for me are that one always, even if are cambiando…. do not know if Julia…. is explained me saretta (jonny depp LOVES) said to YOU. says alone 2 words xkè must go to mengare fuoiri with mine friends…. cmq WONDERFUL ….AVRIL 6 AS ALSO YOUR SONGS hey saretta a six fan of avril. saretta (jonny depp I LOVE) said to YOU, @VASY: Son large fan about avril.lei and the beautifulst one and we do not speak ourselves about its songs. Miniums rebel, as you can say that you fight against politics if you have asserted that it appeals to Luxuria to you. And what you mean in order to fight against the religion I fight against the politics that are going are made to fry as far as Luxuria have said that it appeals to to me but not that the ammirro, that I hold for she etc sincerely I do not lose us the head (us would lack other.) and as far as the religion, they are categorically against the Church for me priests or normal men are all equal ones why he is just obvious who you make it on purpose in order makes to pass me of the “.finta punk”.…. saretta (jonny depp I LOVE) said to YOU. everyone has the own ideas, however we say that me it is more likeable (or likeable it was mine idolo, my point d riferimento.ank’.io I was the classic one ragazzetta dormiente(ahahahaah.ora I can indeed feel one true punk. YOU CAN SAY ALL QUELOL THAT YOU WANT BUT NN YOU CAN SAY THAT WHORE IS ONE, PER$HÈ BELOVED MINE SIX OUTSIDE TRACK. AVRIL IS CHANGED, BUT CREED THAT WITHIN OF Himself IS STILL, the CHILD REBELS, IF NN YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND IT, FOTTITI, IT LOOKS AT ITSELF THAT NN YOU WERE a ITS TRUE FAN, ely and Devil Moccy is stra daccordo with you said punk in order to attract l’. attention on himself, but when it has inasmuch as at this point it was famous it has withdrawn all and it has become what it has become. but what it makes me to anger more he is that it SAYS NOT TO BE PUNK but then that ago sings the songs of the Green Day, of the Sistem, it defines “.Sid the Viciuos of the new generazione”., compares itself to Kurt Cobain (poor, I understand to you. and garment from punk, expecting that then we do not consider it tale…. bah…. yours “.rockettara to all pepe”. there is alone pigliando for the bottoms. and while with the moneies that the dates buying its album is gone to buy villas from sballo. and for Devil Moccy, calm, Avril it will not return more like before, also eprchè more it goes ahead and more it gets worse you have seen its photos in topless. or when it went in turn with Paris Hilton. or with its beautiful borsettina of Chanel. perhaps x minirebel nn well I will be informed, but when avril it is never exited with paris hilton. and continuous to repeat that if wants a purse of the chanel is cabbages its, and nn it must sure give to account to we fan.poi I nn I believe of having to open the okki, I have opened them 4 years ago when l’.ho seen for the first volta.lei it has always asserted that it appeals to the punk to them, but nn it has said of esserlo. to the end all cannot fortunately be of the same opinion (). continuous you to adore this plastic singer that bases its happened one to take in turn people, and I continue to being of my made idea I am that I remain of my opinion and have understood that you will not never succeed to understand what I am saying is not ‘. an offense, but the punot she is that if six punk you cannot understand you have seen Ely and Devil moccy that they have understood who are truly why creed that they at least sappino that cos’. it is the punk…. however it also listens to your Avril, but I assure you that this is one of its first changes, between a Pò creed that will not sing more too much will be attracted from un’. other its professione(but dove.perchè creeds that preda in turn we fan that we love it. “.a me it interests politics and I adore to the Luxuria madness. However it is, than c’.entra Avril Lavigne with punk. six rompicoglioni, the usual piece of merda that it continues to criticize the others you have broken the sacrosante balls to all. THEN I HAVE SAID THAT I LOVE To MADNESS LUXURIA, OK, APPEALS TO to ME, ME IS LIKEABLE, BUT I DO NOT FOLLOW IT In the POLITICAL IDEAS you stop it to say that “.brava that here good of but six you that you must say to me that what I must think or follow. but you go to watch abche you beyond that the others the six usual cracks balls leaves you to say it. IT MORE DOES NOT MAKE TO FEEL YOU FROM ME and NOT TO RISK to YOU TO ANSWER PERCHè I KNOW THAT MUCH IT MAKES TO REASON TOTALLY USELESS would be excused YOU for the words but me they are angry ….…. @Paul, if you want to read something indeed angry, goes to read the post to you on the Vladimiro companion and soci….minirebel has been end too much gentile.”., the Sid Vicious of the new generation has been said (is the 100 time that I say it, I hope not to stew to you), and hour has been trsformata in that type of girl who said to hate then for charity I is not here in order to make to change idea to no micia excuse but who has been a vent to the fine hatred judges without to know …. cn what you frega if to minirebel has said minirebel.paul but to you that, she appeals to luxuria to them, or it is punk, good minirebel. perhaps x minirebel, you have reason, I I still believe that avril hatreds those oche…. but hour enough, for me that one does not exist, it is only a sassolino in my shoe, or better you know, yesterday is capitato to me see again the video of don’. t tell me of Avril, and they are remembered to me when I listened to it to the end even if I more do not admire it like person its songs musically me piacciono, even if somigliano with the agreements …. you memories when it went with skate. the hour are calm, ago the mogliettina, of bad one are only remained its falsità. are sure to 100% that avril still today it sends to which country who them is on the boxes them. VASY: the converged ones is the all star.lo skate and the fact to send to that country who them is on the boxes c’.entrano what these things with the fact to have been created or not to small table. x kurdt, I have understood are those low shoes, with that star in the side. I and mirebel we were palando of avril of a time, that is of when it went on the skate ones ecc….io I have only said that second me nn it has been created to second small table me has not been created to small table why it went in skate or why it sent to that country chiunque…. wanted to only create something that all physicist went outside dall’. ordinary at this point was full of those gallinelle of the POP and solos physical apparitions wanted one rebellious, insomma various we say one of the much POP star that they are found behind whichever angle …. saretta (I love JACK SPARROW) said to you, vasy: in comment 309 you have reason hour I demonstrate to you as Avril was given of the punk. gone to see its space where its genre is considered POP PUNK ROCK. THEN I HAVE SEEN ONE ITS PHOTO WHERE IT URLA USELESSLY (As usual) And On the T-SHIRT LOVE PUNK HAVE ONE SPILLA WITH WRITTEN I’.M PUNK. and then un’. other photo dova with its band supports a written immense billboard with “.punk forever”. perhaps …. then I do not know fortunately said punk …. for the rest I have interpreted badly, but that one that you call “.avril adolescent various from the others, that is rebellious, outside from skemi”. second me was created to small table eccome. can is given that being young a po’. was felt rebellious but I do not see therefore a lot to it outside from the outlines. and I agree absolutely with miniums rebel. “.oramai all physicist was full of those gallinelle of the POP and solos physical apparitions wanted one rebellious, insomma various say one of the much POP star that they find behind whichever angle.... c’.era need of one new fashion. and they have thought next to something type avril. c’.era need of something of “.rivoluzionario but not troppo”. and Avril it was if it had been indeed VARIOUS, with the moneies and the happened one would not have become IDENTICAL to the others. a po’. of time its photo makes has seen one on a review of flank to that one of britney. is remained i>

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